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Offseason Salaries

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205854.8 in reply to 205854.7
Date: 1/5/2012 12:49:34 PM
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I also suppose there is an equity issue if you are lucky enough to play in a bigger arena on the road than other teams. The easiest approach is probably just to extend the no salaries rule to all teams when the playoffs start and keep the current revenue splits for the playoff and regulation games. That makes 5th place a disadvantage financially compared to 6th and 7th, but you don't have to worry about relegating so it is a fair trade in my mind.

Last edited by jista26 at 1/5/2012 12:52:10 PM

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205854.9 in reply to 205854.8
Date: 1/5/2012 12:51:47 PM
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i think if you freeze the salarys for all then also freeze the income, cause the bonus isn't that low you get enxt season.

But freezed salares would lead to salaries monster with short term contracts on the teams, since no salary means actually no monster even when they loose money when they sell them again after the play offs.

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205854.10 in reply to 205854.9
Date: 1/5/2012 12:58:50 PM
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Excellent point on the salary monster playoff rental. I suppose this points to the need to charge all teams to pay salaries if they are playing games that week, but tweaking what the teams receive for income during the playoffs. Maybe something similar to the cup format that you get a flat amount, only differences being it scales on based on division and both teams get something win or lose, with the home team getting more.

From: MrKid

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205854.11 in reply to 205854.5
Date: 1/5/2012 1:35:04 PM
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but if the bb are right, if we raise the po income the profit the succesfull team is much bigger then the income from the bottom teams which result that you could defend your top spot easily.

Yes, but remember that the successful team of third division probably has significant disadvantages with respect to the second division to which it aspires. For their part it is logical that teams less sporting and economic are struggling should be affected in any format, maybe to descend...

I also suppose there is an equity issue if you are lucky enough to play in a bigger arena on the road than other teams.

Usually teams leaders in the league have the largest stadium.

From: yodabig

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205854.12 in reply to 205854.11
Date: 1/10/2012 1:50:47 AM
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Thinking outside the box here how about a TV bonus for the teams in the playoffs? It wouldn't be massive and would be equal for 1st to 4th but any team in the playoffs (and therefore still paying salaries) gets double TV money for that week. It kind of makes sense as well that teams playing extra games on TV would get extra revenue from TV.

The converse idea would be to give no TV money to teams that don't have a game that week, making 5th a little less attractive.

From: Ray Jay

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205854.14 in reply to 205854.12
Date: 1/10/2012 9:18:46 PM
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Really good idea for me ;]

But I think TV bonus should be only for 1-4 teams not for those from 6-7 beacuse 5th place should be still better than 6-7.

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205854.16 in reply to 205854.15
Date: 1/14/2012 10:14:56 AM
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To be honest I am getting tired with all those small tweaks here and there and at the end of the day it does not improve the game at all and we have to start over with small tweaks after a couple of seasons.

In my opinion the developers should overthrow the current system and present something completely new.

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205854.18 in reply to 205854.16
Date: 1/14/2012 10:31:40 AM
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You are expressing a feeling that is not rare.

The game needs a lot of improvements to be taken.
They can be added gradually (as it is done in any real-league) or at once.

Currently, the users can be divided to those who enjoyes the holes in this BB-managing game (It is important to remind them that from time to time), and those who just don't like the game to be decided due to non-BB-managing decisions and flows on current system.
Most of them just leaving the game, who is really unique and good, and can be great.
