I agree with most of what you and others have said, Naker.
Firstly, I like the idea of one player being nominated for each level above your team you play. That is, Div IIII v Div II = 1 player from Div II sits out. Div III v ABBL = 2 players nominated to sit out from ABBL team. I think this would be a fair handicap given that the loss of 2 key ABBL players against a strong Div III team will be far more competetive.
Secondly, I disagree with the MVP write-ups being relegated to only those matches chosen for the week. I disagree for the reason you put forward: teams will be unfairly disadvantaged. How to fix this? Simple: use your system, Naker, where a simple 3/2/1 votes are given (listing important stats like 33 pts, 22 reb etc) would be simple, and allow all teams to have a shot at seeing their players gain MVP votes.
Thirdly, like you, Naker, if everyone is really keen to mix up the federations to try and have mangaers work with other managers, I'll happily do this in the spirit of keeping the Fishbowl active and alive. I must just add that I am, will always be, a Calamari...regardless of who drafts me. lol However, the Fishbowl has allowed me to meet so many awesome managers that I wouldn't have a problem joining them. Which leads me to my final comment...
...although not a Calamari, Skyhookz, I would never describe you as 'selfish' mate. You just understand that sometimes teams work their arses of to become a great team and that breaking them up when they achieve this is somewhat unfair.