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Playoffs and Relegation Series

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229734.8 in reply to 229734.7
Date: 3/3/2013 10:33:36 AM
Old School Runnin Rebs
Overall Posts Rated:
It appears the Whiz tanked it!

I'm thinking that might have got you into the Promo level and will leave me behind. Which puts the second promo in doubt.

And, yes, I have constantly been building my arena. Not to save money, but to get to the point that I can support the players to play in the next level if/when I get promoted. I have $800k banked at the moment & have tried to constantly sell off older players who's salaries creep above $7k per. I'll likely keep these 8 dudes and let them retire from the Rebs.

I just bought another round of sets to take me up to 27,000. My average income is ~$230 and my expenses are ~$105k. So, money isn't my problem. I just need to become a more consistent trainer of skills. I could use a stud Center... I might go shopping for one if not promoted and try to run deep in the Cup and will our league next year if not promoted.

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229734.9 in reply to 229734.8
Date: 3/3/2013 5:29:16 PM
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come out to the chat room toniet and hang with us!

From: Bookie34

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229734.10 in reply to 229734.6
Date: 3/11/2013 11:41:25 PM
Old School Runnin Rebs
Overall Posts Rated:
So Sac - Lorcan;

I have been promoted & I still do not have a big enough arena!

Hope all you guys in V53 do well. I was looking to stay with you for one more year. That didn't happen, which is okay. Sadly, Hollywood got promoted too - mostely because the Whiz intentionally too a dive to try to loose in the finals (was a crappy thing to do). As luck would have it the Whiz got promoted too... so HHT got the trophy I wanted, and we all went up.

Most likely we will struggle to hang at IV.

Good luck to you all!