Some teams in Spain reported me that some of the demoted teams earn more money than in the upper division with more attendance too.
Demoted from ACBB (I) to II
( attendance of the season 32 II = 19746
Last aftendance of the seson 31 ACBB = 15171 (match against the 1st in ACBB)
Demoted form IV to V
( attendance of the season 32 V = 10540
Last attendance of the season 31 IV = 8491
Demoted from IV to V
( attendance of the season 32 V = 19522
Last attendance of the season 31 IV = 9024
I am not sure if it could be a bug or it could be because they change the prices when demoted.
Others teams said that they notice the demotion attendance drop in his gate receipts and attendances.