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Economy Inflation

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273686.8 in reply to 273686.7
Date: 9/28/2015 5:23:29 PM
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Yes, but now good trainers cost more as well. Either you spend millions on a good trainer or you spend millions on a good player.

I agree that micronations have an advantage as they can rack up more income while staying competitive. In Div IV, average is 56k for my USA league. This is a huge contrast to the 240k number that Trainerman put up. however, I don't know a solution to this. if micronations are penalized economically, this would be a disadvantage to them in the B3 Tournament. if micronations are not penalized economically, bigger nations are disadvantaged in league play.

I was a manager from Seasons 18-27 and this is my first season back. There is probably a ~500k inflation compared to Season 27.

The economy right now is a bit frustrating for new teams who don't get a good trainee on their original roster as they simply cannot compete with the vast inflation going on. The 50k for 4 weeks is not enough to make up the differential.
This is probably turning away new managers as older teams were able to cash in on the sudden inflation and through a long period of time, were able to garner a lot of $$$. Newer teams simply cannot compete, train, and expand their arena at the same time. Buzzerbeater is definitely a game that takes many seasons for a strategy to come to fruition, but the current state of the economy vastly increases that time period for newer teams.

I think this is a key problem that the game developers need to address -either through an increase in Trainers and FAs on the market or maybe increasing the 50k to an 100k bonus for first 6 weeks or if we are going with the training route, provide an 18 yo Superstar+ player on every new team.

Last edited by Iamokatchessatleast at 9/28/2015 5:28:51 PM

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273686.10 in reply to 273686.9
Date: 9/28/2015 6:38:16 PM
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I was wondering what`s your take on % increase of salary floors as a countermeasure to inflation?

That should hurt tanking teams and micro-nations and it won`t affect highly competitive leagues, thus maintaining balance...

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273686.11 in reply to 273686.9
Date: 9/28/2015 6:42:23 PM
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Probably would be easier for BBs to run a code that just totals the bank accounts as you suggest...not sure the servers could handle it though!!!!
He's not gonna do it. He made the inflation deliberately and nerfed the Transfer market deliberately to supposedly reward training, he likes it this way and this way it's gonna stay, 'till death do us part.

(... or until my Supporter runs out, whichever comes first).

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273686.13 in reply to 273686.12
Date: 9/29/2015 6:40:04 AM
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I do agree that they overshot the changes as usual. We all know there are only a handful of solutions to the situation (or a combination thereof):
- loosen free agency criteria and possibly take back some players who are already flagged as retired
- rethink the tax system that penalises ALL transactions and switch to a system that penalises high frequency/high profit trading (for example something they could have done long ago, before even thinking taxes, was to lower the roster number cap to 15, save for your own draftees)
- rework the training system, to simplify it or speed it up or make it more flexible

It's fine to want the game to keep the long term commitment and flavour, but it's disingenuous to expect people to stick around through long term frustration because they don't have any realistic prospect other than tank and bank or buy very old players for the foreseeable future.

Then if despite all the people complaining (and, as we can see once more, it's not just the usual 2-3, but it's often new users who have not intervened before) the devs think that they are going in the right direction, I believe we would be interested in hearing the rationale. And by that I don't mean something vague like "we want to encourage training", but something like "we can't change the way taxes work, we can't undo the code we have written" or "we can't touch training, because we are understaffed" or "we don't want to change FA as we want a shortage of players on the market because...." etc etc

Last edited by Lemonshine at 9/29/2015 6:43:41 AM

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273686.14 in reply to 273686.13
Date: 9/29/2015 8:25:35 AM
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yeah...good ideas as always..make it more simple..competition is for......

im playin for over 8 years and things we shouldnt change r training ( i agree in changin the draft/ draftees) and the damn engine...that two things r bringin my as back to bb all the time

in my eyes a overall "paintjob" would help alot...these childish layout didnt fits to a "long ( very long) term" sim for middle age men..

abd of course waaaay mooreeeee ( im prayin) statistics!! and Achievements

fingers crossed

Last edited by WillFreeman at 9/29/2015 8:29:13 AM

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273686.15 in reply to 273686.1
Date: 9/29/2015 9:29:19 AM
Manila Bombers
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how long has the economy been inflated?

Around 1+ season. You could still buy well rounded players for $2,000,000 on season 30, but after the free agency change in at the start of season 31, good players now sell for around $4,000,000.

How long do you think the economy will remain inflated?

It really depends on the BB's but now it seems like the answer is never. As said by others, the BB's wanted inflation so they got it. I am just afraid to buy players now as public opinion might force the BB's to decrease the prices again.

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273686.16 in reply to 273686.12
Date: 9/29/2015 9:30:29 AM
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I am holding out hope they realize that what they are doing now is not the solution. FAs is not the solution either though IMO. Something else needs done. And before its too late.

FA's are certainly PART of the solution, though, as well as fixing training. Those would be fundamental. We need BB to be a basketball sim, not some bizarre training/profit game like it is now. But I have pretty much given up hope.

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273686.17 in reply to 273686.13
Date: 9/29/2015 9:40:24 AM
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the devs

Why are you talking about "the devs", when there is only Marin? Even the EGM has no influence on the changes and BB-AFK, BB-kkthxbye and BB-Submarine are long gone - if there wasn't a manual override that their teams don't go bot, any trace of them would have vanished from the game a long time ago.

The GMs are only usedl for banning people and deleting posts or some occasional announcement. The LA's are here to translate the news once in a while (and sometimes they don't do that either). Nobody knows what Mods are here for really.

God knows what happens if Marin becomes unable to operate for a certain time.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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273686.18 in reply to 273686.11
Date: 9/29/2015 10:07:17 AM
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Probably would be easier for BBs to run a code that just totals the bank accounts as you suggest...not sure the servers could handle it though!!!!
He's not gonna do it. He made the inflation deliberately and nerfed the Transfer market deliberately to supposedly reward training, he likes it this way and this way it's gonna stay, 'till death do us part.

(... or until my Supporter runs out, whichever comes first).

Yes, but let us not forget that on the 7th day he rested.
