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Elastic effect question

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From: Phyr

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274034.8 in reply to 274034.7
Date: 10/31/2015 11:35:57 AM
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Yeah but its the best we have. If someone produces a more reliable data set with different conclusions, I would base my decision on what to train on that.

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274034.10 in reply to 274034.9
Date: 10/31/2015 1:37:40 PM
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I found that Coach Parrot (and therefore the US offsite) underestimates the impact of SB and I suspect it might actually affect RB too since my kid popped on cross training in RB to 16 when he shouldn't have been near a pop (and past Marvelous on a 24yo the sublevels should be pretty accurate). It was either SB or ID, but ID should be accounted for correctly in the numbers.

PA for taller players is another skill which seems to be slightly off (either the skill itself or the elastic component) compared to the numbers of the US offsite.

I think you're right that there is a lack of data about some training regimes given age and height of the players. Especially because the best way to estimate the actual numbers is with several training sessions in a row and multiple pops, which I think was quite unusual for big men PA or SB back when the project was gathering data.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 10/31/2015 1:48:55 PM

From: Phyr

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274034.11 in reply to 274034.10
Date: 10/31/2015 2:06:47 PM
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SB does train ID and RB as secondary skills.

From: Lemonshine

To: Phyr
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274034.12 in reply to 274034.11
Date: 10/31/2015 2:15:33 PM
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That isn't the point. The point is that at Marvelous (when there should have been little margin of error) he popped on Cross Training when he should have been half a level away. Now since his SB was much higher and ID was a little higher, I'd say it's one of them or a incredibly lucky streak of CT always hitting RB.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 10/31/2015 2:16:12 PM

From: Phyr

This Post:
274034.13 in reply to 274034.12
Date: 10/31/2015 2:35:12 PM
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IMHO, ID speeds up RB, but is very hard to draw a conclusion with a single occurrence.

From: Balev

To: Phyr
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274034.14 in reply to 274034.13
Date: 11/9/2015 2:09:05 AM
Kinky Koalas
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Down Under Drop Bears
Haven't they put in a random effect to all this?

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274034.15 in reply to 274034.14
Date: 11/9/2015 5:50:06 AM
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Yes, they call it Cross Training. A random skill is trained (for a small amount) when a player receives training. As I said maybe I was lucky, but I doubt it. Perhaps cross training is higher than people think and benefits or the Elastic Effect. I don't know.

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274034.16 in reply to 274034.15
Date: 11/9/2015 6:12:00 AM
Kinky Koalas
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Second Team:
Down Under Drop Bears
I think the random effect might be higher. Well, the possibility of it. I think it was always there but the random effect was increased in maybe season 27-29 or something...

From: BFaye

To: Phyr
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274034.17 in reply to 274034.11
Date: 11/9/2015 6:53:03 PM
Pearl City
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Inside shot should be trained prior to Inside defense is what I thought because it speeds the inside defense up due to elastics.

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274034.18 in reply to 274034.17
Date: 11/10/2015 7:19:41 AM
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Well it really depends on what your final objective is: if you are punting SB, then it makes sense to start from IS. However if you punt IS, I would think that it makes sense to start from SB.

For the record SB trains faster than any other inside skill everything else being equal, therefore it will also set up the elastic effect on ID faster.