Ljudi, čini vam se... Dobro je urađeno... Cijene su puno niže jer je početak sezone i svi prodaju jeftino... A ti likovi s 3 prominenta i vrijednosti malo više od milijun su, da pogodim, centri... Centri su jeftiniji od bekova...
Evo vam i primjer:
Jump Shot: prominent Jump Range: strong
Outside Def.: prominent Handling: respectable
Driving: respectable Passing: inept
Inside Shot: awful Inside Def.: awful
Rebounding: pitiful Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: pitiful Free Throw: average ↑
Experience: awful
Transfer Price Estimate: There have been 5 recent transfers of 23-24 year old shooting guards with prominent jump shot and allstar potential. Omar Krasnic is probably better than all 5 of these players, but the few that are most similar have been selling for around $ 750 000 to $ 1 000 000.
Dakle, 24 su mu godine, 2 puta prominent i, pošto je bolji od te petorice, mogu ga mirne duše procijeniti preko milijun dolara...
A evo i triput prominent PG-a:
Transfer Price Estimate: There have been 5 recent transfers of 21-22 year old point guards with prominent handling and allstar potential. Of these, the ones with skills most similar to Miško Tuponja have been selling for around $ 1 800 000 to $ 2 800 000.
Dakle, bekovi su skuplji, pomirite se s tim :)