Allright, we qualified to the next round. And against an even Philipines, we're about to lose. And I'm very dissapointed about it. It'll be much harder against opponents like Australia or Hong Kong, to come over with a win.
So the chapter "World Cup" could be over, before we could even increase our chances. But I will keep fighting for that goal and I do need your help too!
Please, don't set your player to play more than 60 minutes a week. A bad game shape is bad for your team and your NT also. You need your players in a perfect game shape, too!
And another thing: At the beginning of the season, I asked you for training determined skills. And besides of one player increasing in such a skill once, I did not see another skillup, on another player. So please, use the hints that I gave you. It would be good for your team, too.
My hands are tied, if you won't cooperate. And I want to achieve more, than just win a bunch of scrimmages. You should be proud of your NT, so keep working on your players. And if you have any question, feel free to ask!