i always wanted to become national team manager. I helped the NT coach a little bit with scouting. WHAT A WORK!!!! I only did the countries starting with letter A. The amount off time I had to put in just A, I wonder where the NT coach gets the time from to do all other 25 letters.
I signed on the offsite forum and had a look. It is a complete shock to see how few players are interested in the NT. Therefore even more shocking they dare to say the coach isn't doing a good job. When they never could be bothered to participate or help the NT coach. But guess that is how life is. How human beings are. Always having opinions on subjects they have no clue about and where they lack the facts needed to make a judgement.
ps I am sure it will be more worthwhile and more appreciated leading the NT off the Moon or Antartica than be the NT England coach. I am certain I will never apply for England...