I found a small problem...It has to do with inherited minutes..
It has to do with this player I bought..
(21305614)I bought him on a Friday morning(Dec. 16th, 9 hours before training) and he came with 48 minutes at C(really 56 but you know what I mean).
so when I look at the training history in the BB training project it says he was not trained. It only list the players that got minutes for my club. After I bought him my front page listed him at 48+, so I know he got the training. Is there anyway that the INHERITED MINUTES bug(don't know if it is a bug) could be fixed. Now my player is listed wrong in ID,IS and SB due to the not read 1 position ID training.
Last edited by Yellow cake at 1/10/2012 2:39:12 AM