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The elastic effect

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From: CrazyEye

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158094.83 in reply to 158094.81
Date: 10/3/2010 5:26:04 AM
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I think lots of people want X skills as high as possible. In this case I think they should conisder what is the level they would like the elastic effect complimenting skills at, setting a goal for those skills is important, then train those skills to that point and at last work on the desired skill.

you shouldn't forget that you train your skills even secondary, so it would be useful to stop earlier and make the rest of the training through secondaries.

PS: I believe with the train example, you would be faster driving the car late or you made a longer distance ;) But for training speed where you always train at 100% in the skill, and not driving with 50% it is equal.

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158094.85 in reply to 158094.84
Date: 10/3/2010 5:57:49 AM
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two skilup are maybe a bit to optimistic, i got this player:

"Jump Shot: stupendous Jump Range: wondrous
Outside Def.: tremendous Handling: prolific
Driving: strong Passing: sensational
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: inept
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: average Free Throw: respectable"

i didn't train him a lot, but one of his driving ups comes from me and i believe with one to one training(maybe JS) but he train it at least once

From: Marot

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158094.86 in reply to 158094.84
Date: 10/3/2010 12:27:22 PM
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if people try to get advantage of this "elastic effect", lots of guards will end up with +20 driving and handling..

I've seen lots of this players, with their three main skill around 20(JS,HA,DR). Apart from training faster or don't, a player with a high JS,HA,DR always plays betther than a player with only JS-JR and now if you say that this kind of players train faster...

From: CrazyEye

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158094.88 in reply to 158094.87
Date: 10/6/2010 8:51:57 AM
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With skills besides handling I think setting a goal of minimum you want in those supporting skill you wont be too upset if the skill ends up a little higher than you planned

maybe you aren't upset, but probadly you are later on your target in your other skills, because you used to much other sessions for the wrong skill.

From: kingi44
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158094.90 in reply to 158094.1
Date: 11/9/2011 10:49:16 AM
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i have a very important question about cross-training
for example if i start training an 18 old player on 1vs1 for 1 year is that true that it will accelerate his main skills
for example lets assume a PG his main skills OD , PA , DR , JP.Ball-handling
Of course when you train 1 on 1 it will increase DR,JP, Ball-handling but how fast it will raise his OD and PA.for the next years
I hope to have an answer because people are talking all kind of things.
thanks a lot

This Post:
158094.91 in reply to 158094.90
Date: 11/9/2011 11:13:31 AM
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Hi! Thanks for the question. I hope to clear the smoke that is gathering in your community

Each training, cross-training causes approximately 10% of training to go to a skill that is not primary or secondary skill you are training. I will give you an example:

Let's say you are training 1 on 1 for PG/SG like you mentioned. Primary skills that are trained are JS, HA and DR. So each training, cross-training (CT) will affect a random skill that is not JS, HA or DR. If CT affects a random skill that is much lower than the one trained, CT will raise that skill for more than 10% of whole training. If CT however affects a random skill that is much higher than the ones trained, much less than 10% of whole training will go into that skill.

I'll try to give you another example. Let's say you are training PA; secondary skills that are being trained via PA are HA and DR. So CT will never affect HA or DR, right? And let's say you have a player like this:

JS 7 JR 1
OD 15 HA 7
DR 7 PA 7

Every training, CT will affect one of the following skills at random: JS, JR, OD, IS, ID, RB, SB, FT, ST or GS.

Let's say that after first training CT affects JR; since PA is much higher than JR, CT will affect JR in stronger way. Let's say PA of your player will receive 87% of training and JR will receive 13%.

Second training: CT randomly chooses OD. Since PA is much lower than OD, also CT will affect OD less. Let's say PA of your player will receive 93% of training and OD will receive 7%.

CT is a bit frustrating when training a player who has a lot of skills that you don't care about at a very low level. Each training there will be a great chance CT will choose the low skill you don't care about and take more than 10% training off of your trained skill. I have a U21 guard with IS 2, RB 2, SB 1 and FT 3. I'm ok if CT goes into IS or FT; however, I don't like CT choosing SB or RB. Of course I don't know what CT each training chooses unless I see a pop in that random skill, chosen by CT.

I hope I made myself clear

Last edited by Koperboy at 11/9/2011 11:18:50 AM
