Right now there is no LA in japan. most of the translations were done by Americans like me who are English speakers first.
I think China has the huge support of Chinese American etc. folks that are fully bilingual to deliver the translation early and so forth, to make Chinese available, to bridge the initial gap. And then it took on a mind of its own and really a fullblown community like Italy or Spain etc. with help threads etc. in the native language.
something I wnated to do was get some threads going in Japanese, help threads and the like. So far no success. I was spending all my time managing the translation and now running the U21. I suppose when I am done with U21 and now that i am not the LA, I would have time to get some help threads going etc. But is it worth it if BB expects us to also do their advertising for them too???? They want me to pay $40 bucks a year and FOR FREE help them find more customers.
At this point I am more likely to recommend people not sign up. Hopefully tehy announce some fixes nexxt week that change my mind.
With no LA, Japanese right now is not getting updated or edited at all. With any big change and no LA, they basically have to take the japnese translation offline.
I don't believe that the forums being (mostly) in English is not the reason.
A new user is not realy looking too much on forums (at least I haven't at the first seasons) and that is not the reason that they will turn around and leave the game.
As one mentioned here, the probelm is that they get straight into a division that they cannot compete at.
The competitiveness is an issue on all divisions level and leagues, but because the Japanese community is so small, and contain many old users that acuired huge assets along the seasons, those new users has no chance to compete (under current rules - no salary-cap, etc), and they leave the game.
Putting any new user at a lower division will only create a small buffer, until they will get promoted (which is what is mainly happen at other nations).
In addition, they will face mainly bot players, and that is not something that "invite" a user to join and play a game.