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BB Global (English) > Supporters protest against the delays of matches, training, etc.

Supporters protest against the delays of matches, training, etc.

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201393.82 in reply to 201393.80
Date: 11/24/2011 5:25:19 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
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Right. uhmm ...WRONG!

I don't like how World's economy goes. Should I 'erase my account' by commiting suicide?
Bloody NOPE.

I don't like that people nowadays evolve in reverse. Should I not invest in my family or in my future, hoping that things will sometime be better?

Y'all missing the freakin' point here. This game is made for walking. You walk beside it because you like it's company, or you just stay behind and find some other occupation or destination or sensation or...whatever your attention leads you. This game in which you invest your time and, sometimes, your money, can and will get better. That's the reason you invest in it. So many of the creepy comments around here...remain just on the 'creepy' level. OK ...so I too don't like waiting... But we wait our whole lives for things that don't even come...why then be a milkshake when a GAME makes you wait for a bit?

Think about it and don't try starting virtual riots when riots are made for finishing, not starting.


Last edited by MCMXC a.D. at 11/24/2011 5:28:14 AM

This Post:
201393.83 in reply to 201393.82
Date: 11/24/2011 5:47:22 AM
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totally agree, thank you ;)

This Post:
201393.84 in reply to 201393.82
Date: 11/24/2011 6:09:48 AM
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Oh really??
So you mean that we shouldn't protest in real life too?????

Check from which country I'm from and you'll understand that in order to protest you have to be really disappointed.

And I quote from the buzzerbeater supporter page. This will solve your dilemma for protesting or not

These costs aren't cheap, so in order to support ourselves as a real live business, we have introduced BuzzerBeater Supporter. It gives users the opportunity to help with the development of the game, and get some value out of their contribution through some extra, server-intensive features.

And the last hit is this phrase from the same page
start-up web company

No I'm not pointing at start-up because they can't possibly be a start up after 4 years but at the company.

It's a company that wants to make some money so if they want to make money, they probably have to listen to those that pay and support them. Check what happened recently to RIOT, another startup similar to this one, which is around almost 3 years but is much more sucessfull than buzzerbeater.

PS The game is based on a freemium model. You play for free but for extra items that do not have any impact at all in your game, you have to pay. You don't pay for better items, you pay just to have some more "amenities" just like bb

They have 2 different regions, NA and Europe. After 2 years and a half, the game was becoming very popular in Europe which counted more than 2/3 of RIOT's customers. The game started to getting laggy and the customers angry of course. Within 2 months they had set up a 3rd region optimized and changed the architecture of their login and queue systems, split Europe into West and East and offered FREE points and Boosts for EVERYONE during this period.

That's a start-up company that wants to grow and wants to become something big. Buzzerbeater is just a company that is trying to hang on from basketball fans that have nowhere else to go. There is no competition and they take advantage of it.

Last edited by viper151 at 11/24/2011 6:10:33 AM

This Post:
201393.85 in reply to 201393.84
Date: 11/24/2011 6:39:42 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
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My friend, I was not talking about not protesting in real life if you are entitled to, I was talking about the other guy's opinion 'bout packing his things and leave. I am aware of the situation from your country, we're almost 'next door neighbours' and ignoring that fact too, I still agree with your way of seeing the things that are happening over there. But I won't comment more, for that was not the issue here.

I was pointing out that this is a game and should be threated as well.
All the best!

This Post:
201393.86 in reply to 201393.85
Date: 11/24/2011 6:46:51 AM
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Yes but I've lost a lot of time from my life playing and paying this game while I could do something else.I didn't do it because this game used to be the best and I liked it and I was always hoping that it would get better and better. Isn't that worth "protesting"? Hope is what drive us forward after all but when you see everything you have accomplished tearing apart, hope vanishes.

PS. Maybe protest is not the right word after all. Whining maybe :P

Last edited by viper151 at 11/24/2011 6:48:45 AM

This Post:
201393.87 in reply to 201393.84
Date: 11/24/2011 11:34:03 AM
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...good hit, good hit, man!

This Post:
201393.88 in reply to 201393.86
Date: 11/24/2011 11:50:55 AM
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Yes but I've lost a lot of time from my life playing and paying this game while I could do something else.I didn't do it because this game used to be the best and I liked it and I was always hoping that it would get better and better. Isn't that worth "protesting"? Hope is what drive us forward after all but when you see everything you have accomplished tearing apart, hope vanishes.

PS. Maybe protest is not the right word after all. Whining maybe

you just have mediocre case of internet/pc/gaming addiction. Who is really to blame here? if it wasn't buzzerbeater, it could have been, tribalwars, league of legends, counter strike, etc. But i agree with you though, this is just whinning:) also don't confuse real life protest, to this small(?) addiction to gaming that we all have:)

This Post:
201393.89 in reply to 201393.88
Date: 11/24/2011 1:43:32 PM
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Was just about to become a supporter, but now finding out the BB allows and rewards so-called “tanking” teams. Why would I even consider giving any financial support to BB? Sorry, but IMO “tanking” is not only cheating, but it also causes integrity issues for the game itself. Until I see this issue being corrected I WILL NOT BECOME A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BB!


This Post:
201393.90 in reply to 201393.84
Date: 11/24/2011 3:18:32 PM
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Oh really??
So you mean that we shouldn't protest in real life too?????

Check from which country I'm from and you'll understand that in order to protest you have to be really disappointed.

And I quote from the buzzerbeater supporter page. This will solve your dilemma for protesting or not

These costs aren't cheap, so in order to support ourselves as a real live business, we have introduced BuzzerBeater Supporter. It gives users the opportunity to help with the development of the game, and get some value out of their contribution through some extra, server-intensive features.

And the last hit is this phrase from the same page
start-up web company

No I'm not pointing at start-up because they can't possibly be a start up after 4 years but at the company.

It's a company that wants to make some money so if they want to make money, they probably have to listen to those that pay and support them. Check what happened recently to RIOT, another startup similar to this one, which is around almost 3 years but is much more sucessfull than buzzerbeater.

PS The game is based on a freemium model. You play for free but for extra items that do not have any impact at all in your game, you have to pay. You don't pay for better items, you pay just to have some more "amenities" just like bb

They have 2 different regions, NA and Europe. After 2 years and a half, the game was becoming very popular in Europe which counted more than 2/3 of RIOT's customers. The game started to getting laggy and the customers angry of course. Within 2 months they had set up a 3rd region optimized and changed the architecture of their login and queue systems, split Europe into West and East and offered FREE points and Boosts for EVERYONE during this period.

That's a start-up company that wants to grow and wants to become something big. Buzzerbeater is just a company that is trying to hang on from basketball fans that have nowhere else to go. There is no competition and they take advantage of it.

oh 'cmon! League of Legends? Really? They have som much laggy situations it;s sad. They introduce new champs every three weeks, that you can get for money(because it's much faster with money), and then they give those champs huge nerfs because they were two powerful. And yes, in their case, spending money, does give you a lot of headway. Your example is horrible, sorry. Furthermore, they have (check it) 32.000.000 users, and BBs stand at a mere 50k.

From: Saltori
This Post:
201393.91 in reply to 201393.90
Date: 11/24/2011 4:15:19 PM
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Serious, are you sure about that?

Each one has your mind, each one thinks, and everyone has different ideas.

So, It's a really stupid idea stay talking about something we can't change. Each one does what you want, nobody thinks in the equal way.

We can show our ideas, questions and critics, but we can't diss everyone about a problem, that in the moment, is impossible to fix.

From: Leeroy

This Post:
201393.92 in reply to 201393.91
Date: 11/24/2011 10:32:27 PM
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I'm a supporter and I love this game

I pay money so I can see buzzerbeater grow and become better. I really don't care about these tiny bugs, and that's what they are... TINY BUGS. If I have to wait 2 hours extra to see training results but the game is functional I don't give a crap, these guys do all they can to expand bb and make it enjoyable for EVERYONE that is playing, not just supporters.

So in summary, you're on your own with this one bud.
