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Growing BB (Referrals)

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From: BB-Forrest

To: Coco
This Post:
67615.82 in reply to 67615.81
Date: 1/10/2009 6:17:58 PM
1986 Celtics
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hmm... buzzerbeater is based in boston you know?

This Post:
67615.84 in reply to 67615.68
Date: 1/13/2009 6:22:06 AM
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I think as it stands BB has three problems:

1) motivating new teams to stay in the very first weeks

I believe this might be the most important task at hand (allthough you probably have statistics on this). You need to keep people busy long enough to get them addicted.

Easier access to forums is mentioned, but I belive alot could be done to make the game more active in general.

As mentioned initially you have an active community, and the forums are buzzing. So, obviously alot of people have alot to say about the game. However, the game does not take advantage of this (other than in the forums). IMO you should make more visible what's going on. How about a "News from around the league" with news bulletins, transfers, news from the national teams, game results and so on. Alot of the information allready exists, and you could maybe add small stuff like "player/team of the week/month" (with a small price), milestones (NN just played his 100th game for TEAM X), and so on.. The possibilities are endless, easy to create (I would guess), and it would add to the fun of logging into the game on an every day basis.

I also like the idea of people acting as mentors. I don't think it would need to be anything advanced. Perhaps a sticky in the help forums where mentors and new teams could "hook up"?

And of course, a tutorial for new users. Perhaps "unlocking" secrets of the game (hints, tips) the first few important weeks, would be useful to keep people busy.

This Post:
67615.85 in reply to 67615.84
Date: 1/13/2009 6:24:10 AM
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...oh, and yes. The new thing they started in HT - being able to invite friends to replace idle teams in your own league - seems like a great idea!

This Post:
67615.86 in reply to 67615.85
Date: 1/13/2009 6:37:06 AM
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Just one more idea - and I know I would've loved it when I started:

What if new teams could opt to create one new player of their own. Picking the name, generating his looks, height, and being able to distribute a fixed amount of points (e.g. 50) on attributes. Potential, age (18) and total points available of course should be equal for all teams.

People could add themselves into the game, or their favourite player.

This Post:
67615.87 in reply to 67615.86
Date: 1/13/2009 9:36:33 AM
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"News from around the league"

I like that idea, i would really like to se that implemented:-)

This Post:
67615.88 in reply to 67615.87
Date: 1/16/2009 4:30:35 PM
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I am for the complexitiy; against the Best Line Up button idea.

It will screw up your training schedule as well and make things just too easy...

IDEA: use the side banner as a specific <hint or advise message> on every page they scroll....Or use a special <block on top of every page> explaining what the page might help you/or what the purpose is and why it is here...

e.g. WEEKLY STATS.....<BANNER ON TOP> (1. info)this page is used for helping you manage your playing minutes of your player (2. advise) Dont let you player play too much since this will tire him in gameshape next week!

Another e.g STAFF page: <BANNER ON TOP> (1. info)this page is used for helping you identify the staff you have and on what quality (2. advise) The higher the level means the more efficient you player will be trained! To look for alternative staff you can press the search staff button

All of these handy messages can of course be found in the rules page...BUT the marketeers in the world know; if you cannot get a guy's attention in 5 minutes you simply wont win his attention at all...RULES page is extensive and perfect..but a little to long to understand in the first five minutes..Take an example why the DUMMIES book series become so succesful...THANKS to explaining things short and clear...THATS why my suggestion of explaining inside each page would help..

If people are thinking they can do it without these newbie messages..simply add a turn off button at the profile page....

This is not THE solution but may add the quicker understanding of the game...

Last edited by GM-Rijswijker at 1/16/2009 4:31:04 PM

yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."
This Post:
67615.89 in reply to 67615.88
Date: 1/17/2009 7:45:27 AM
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Hear hear! Good ones. (and the "newest team" overview).

The nice thing with these suggestions is that they don't impose changes in the GE, just presentation, and can be implemented without further ado

From: _Az_

This Post:
67615.90 in reply to 67615.1
Date: 1/23/2009 10:48:35 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
we're asking all of you

Hi !

I'm part of an external forum (Buzzerbeater France) and we launched a topic about "what can be improve in BB". So i'm only here to talk about the result of this topic with my approximate translation xD

I think we can divide BB's problems in three : not enough communication, too much clic and "why the hell I lost ? random ?"

A lot of these suggestions aren't easy to add ! we know this very well :)
You asking what we would have in xx seasons, we answer ;)

Part 1 :

Improve your communication toward us ! So everybody will be able to see you interact with the community and not only those who have the time to check the xxx posts on forum :p

- I though about a link like the rules link which lead on the project you have in mind
No need to put a date ! Just do it like this :
+ Short term (1 season ?) : well, we will improve this, this and that !
+ Medium term (2-3 saisons) : we will implement this and that
+ Long term (4-5 seasons or more) : we think BB will evolve this way (a good think to launch a debate by the way ;))
Programming take times, players need to understand this !

- keep the history of your modifications in the same page or in another with a link
It will help people to see how you work and make evolve BB

- Survey ! Well it was a marvelous idea ! But now, we have the impression some part haven't been take into account (we go back to the communication ^^). Launch a debate, take into account some ideas and doing little surveys would be really great in the future :)

Tutoring ! An essential part than most of other games understood !
It's absolutly needed because the forum isn't fit for that :/

- Create a space for each tutor (Google says guardian for translation :/)
each one would have a private managable forum. Only his pupils would have access to this (I tried it in Charazay and I must say it's marvelous :))
- Give access to the pupils'player stat to the tutor ... no more screenshot and explanation how to do them, yay ! ^^ Well a button giving the choice to share stats with his tutor would be even greater in fact :) Players need to have the choice instead of being forced !

Improve the forum :/
The forum ! a strategic tool to develop a community ! He must be user friendly (well don't know how to translate that so, in french, "convivial, lisible et accessible")

- A good way to do that is to talk about national teams. But how to do that without reveal your strengh and weakness to other countries ? simple, you can't freely talk about how to train an international to fit the needs of the national team.
So a managable forum (by GM of the country ? LA ? volonteer ?) with an exclusive access (French player = french private national forum) would allow to do here what we need to do in external forum :/ talking freely about the strategy of the upcoming France - Italy in an official (yet restricted) BB forum with a community of 1000 managers is way better than with 50-100 players :p

- Don't forget than a lot of peoples would be volonteer to help if you ask !

- Generally speaking, really to much click to go where you want :/ I'll talk about it later but it's really a big problem ! (on forum, to get stat, etc)

- A listing giving all existing forum (well maybe add a filter at least ^^) with a brief description would be interesting :)

- A link to get all the topic with new message in 1 page would be awesome too (take exemple of external forum :p)

- Searching a topic on the forum is really hard too :/ I searched a topic with numbers xxx.y ... well i never found it :p Afterward I though about put it directly on the url bar of my navigator ... but well not that good, right ? ^^

- Possibility to make a complete favorite page of link on forum ! and groups too
+ group 1
xxxx.y - possibility to write something
+ group 2

part 2 coming in some days to let you the time to read it

This Post:
67615.91 in reply to 67615.90
Date: 1/23/2009 10:05:21 PM
Overall Posts Rated:

just wanna share something, my friend that i invited to play bb is somewhat getting it more and more enjoyable due to

1) my tutoring . . . ( endless hours )
2) after seeing skills pop - he got more excited and when he told me one of his guard pop 2 skill in a week training, his looking forward to train more players.

as a new player, there are times since his new, he find the game complicated and dont know where to start and even at times if i dont give him an im before about his team, he wouldnt log in and check in out.

truth is, at the beggining you have to make him see how great this game is. the moment he sign up is already a big step but to keep him playing is more harder.

i have to teach him how to set his team, how to scout games and players and etc.

but what made it more such an experience to him is buying players and the skill pop he personally experience.

i know not all things should be said and all, but when he invited his office mates and some had sign in, but he cant share his enthusiasm for the game due to the same bump in the road he experience which is complicated of being new and how thigs would go.

right now his still playing but somehow we got to keep the fire burning for this new ones till they catch the big flame

This Post:
67615.92 in reply to 67615.91
Date: 1/24/2009 4:43:11 AM
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Most likely you did as well, but I've noticed that a lot of questions posted in the fora boil down to a couple of unclarities/difficulties new players encounter.
