Check his last game,he was great again in my eyes.His Matchup with 10 times higher salary and topscorer of the league was holding to 9 out of 30(and Bojacás stamina is only awful),he took 1!!shot in 53 minutes.I think for a 6k guard his value for a team is huge.I dont think u can find one balanced and trainend guard with that impact for a team.I really love to see what he can do in the next games and season.:-)
It's not a good example, since you played zone and you cant know exactly his impact on the defense... Anyway his PG-SG-SF did good % at shoot attemps made so i think he lost more the game coz of his weak 2-3 zone and not about your OD...
Anyway you dindt say nothing about that:
The other team played 2-3
Your PG score: 0-1 with only 1-2 FT line.
Its so poor score performance taking in care the other team went zone. You are going to suffer a lot with this monoskilled PG and it was also a ''bad idea'' to train him as a monoskilled since he also had his IS so low...(some JS or 1vs1 in SF-PF would help him)
Maybe another PG rookie cant have that OD or passing, but if in 1-2 seasons you compare at the age of 21 your PG with another one more balanced with better inside skills(specially IS if you play LI) I would choose for sure the balanced PG.
Last edited by Marot at 11/1/2010 8:07:15 PM