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Project NT

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275489.84 in reply to 275489.83
Date: 4/13/2018 7:59:47 AM
Jokehim Maniacs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Jokehim Maniacs II
Thank you for the information! Wedling was also Superstar (also my own product) so I know that the potential can be sufficient to make it. At that time you were not pushing much for OD. I will take a thought about if it is worth for me to focus that much on OD because it might hurt my other players too much. Not having much of players to focus on right now though ...

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275489.85 in reply to 275489.84
Date: 4/13/2018 10:03:12 AM
white snake
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Black Forest Boars
Are you searching for trainees? Just write me what you search (height, skills) and I will go through the player pool and give you some contacts. Maybe you can make a deal with a manager.

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275489.86 in reply to 275489.85
Date: 4/14/2018 12:11:47 AM
Jokehim Maniacs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Jokehim Maniacs II
I guess that I would benefit from changing my TOs but I will continue with my current ones. I have a superstar and perennial allstar that are 19-20 years that I will try to make something good of.

This Post:
275489.87 in reply to 275489.81
Date: 7/21/2018 3:10:25 AM
white snake
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Black Forest Boars
Let's take a last overview at the player pool.

Player pool:
TSP = total skill points

Birgersson (33689846), 33 years, PF, 131 TSP (+0). Hopefully his manager has a carrerr ext. coach. He could save him 1-2 seasons more.

Säfen (35350416), 31 years, SG, 129 TSP (+0). For me the greatest swedish guard. It was a pleasure to have him in the team and a big thanks to Ryss and Manon for training him.

Sunesson (36171202), 31 years, G, 121 TSP (+0).

Stjärnland (36976134), 30 years, G/SF, 129 TSP (+0).

Lagerhall (36171154), 30 years, C, 108 TSP (+0). Thanks to him and the other bigs, we never had a problem at PF/C during the last seasons.

Smol (36975202), 30 years, G, 146 TSP (+0). Mr. TSP. I think there was never before a swedish player who reached 146 TSP. Always a threat...

Westerlund (36975313), 29 years, PF/C, 128 TSP (+0). Besides Birgersson my first choice for the inside positions. Always a reliable player.

Lövlind (36975297), 29 years, G/F, 128 TSP (+0). Didn't play a lot, but I'm still a big fan of his skill set

Tjäderborg (36975226), 30 years, PF/C, 125 TSP (+2).

Danielsson (37787598), 29 years, C, 109 TSP (+0).

Johansson (37787040), 28 years, 137 TSP (+7). Great player for a couple of specific tactics! His skill set is unique in the team.

Tunglund (38588455), 27 years, G, 120 TSP (+2).

Gustavsson (38588303), 27 years, G, 128 TSP (+5). He was outstanding last season. The swedish NT has a phenomenal outside core and this guy is one of the main factors!

Martinsson (39342531), 26 years, G, 124 TSP (+2). Great, young guard!

Höstner (39342611), 26 years, SF, 125 TSP (+6). One of the rare players, who are primaly trained for SF.

Ahlhult (39342633), 26 years, SG, 117 TSP (+6).

Hammarstrand (36975203), 29 years, C, 120 TSP (+1).

Molen (40186543), 25 years, G, 123 TSP (+8). With 1-2 more seasons, he could reach Säfen and be a greater inside threat then the big master ever was. Molen will be one of the new core players of the outside team.

Svensson (35350361), 31 years, PF/C, 115 TSP (+2).

Falborn, (40186795), 25 years, 113 TSP (+7).

Hagelell, (41772275), 24 years, TSP 108 (+6). Completely balanced. A SF/PF type of player.

Klangbeck, (40186451), 25 years, G, TSP 100 (+5). Has to train harder or he will lose his chance.

Haraldsson, (41772348), 23 years, TSP 110 (+11). He made a great leap. With him, the third wave of swedish guards is already building up.

Fjelmar, (41772261), 23 years, TSP 103 (+5).

Rengren, (41772140), 23 years, TSP 102 (+10). Like Haraldsson, trained by Seppu, he will be an outstanding guard.

Like you can see, there is a clear line up guards:
Säfen, Smol and Gustavsson (1. wave)
Martinsson, Molen, Ahlhult (2. wave)
Haraldsson, Rengren, Fjelmar (3.wave)

Supported by a couple of SFs, there is a strong foundation for the NT. But like I said a couple of seasons ago, the PF and C position will be the key factor. Currently there are still players like Westerlund, Lagerhall and Danielsson, who can fill in without any problems. But without the right replacements, the guards will have a hard time.

I wish you and the new NT, whoever it will be, only the best. I hope the current players will give you enough time to improve the team further and be more successful.
I enjoyed my time beeing your NT coach and it was a pleasure to work with you on all these great players.

Bye guys.

This Post:
275489.88 in reply to 275489.87
Date: 7/21/2018 4:56:05 AM
Vattjom Vatos
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Utopia Vatos
Thanks a bunch! Great job and effort. Respect!

This Post:
275489.89 in reply to 275489.88
Date: 7/21/2018 4:57:43 AM
Ratu BK
Overall Posts Rated:
Yep, good run and enjoyed reading the NT posts. Welcome back again if you feel like it later on and best of luck.

This Post:
275489.90 in reply to 275489.87
Date: 7/21/2018 6:26:36 AM
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I agree with everyone else, you have done a great job!
Even though I'm not active in the forum regarding the National Team, I follow the discussions and I have learned a few things from you as well. In my opinion you are the best National Team manager we've ever had.
So thank you for everything and I wish you good luck in the future!

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275489.91 in reply to 275489.87
Date: 7/21/2018 3:15:03 PM
Pipa Warriors
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Pipa Organics
Can just fill in with all the other great words. Loved your work and interest in our NT. Great advices and discussions.

Best of luck in the future, and you are always welcome back.

This Post:
275489.92 in reply to 275489.87
Date: 7/22/2018 6:22:32 AM
Jokehim Maniacs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Jokehim Maniacs II
I have to agree with Closeman that you are the best national coach ever of the Swedish team. The new coach will have a huge challenge to follow up your work and continue the good job.

Thanks for listing the hottest prospects. Seems like Lindhhult is not too far off the best in his age. If only he had had MVP or HoF potential I probably could have booked a spot for him in the national team for many seasons. Now he will probably at best be a backup player at SF but that is not too bad either

From: Decke
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275489.93 in reply to 275489.92
Date: 7/22/2018 2:58:46 PM
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Angående våra 2 kandidater så vill jag poängtera att vår kroatiske kandidat verkar ha en väldigt aggressiv managerstil där han senaste säsongen fullständigt storsatsade i B3 med en av de bästa trupperna i turneringen. Det tog stopp redan i första slutspelsrundan och därefter såldes allt av, varav den nuvarande truppen knappt skulle klara av att slå ett botlag.

Å andra sidan känner jag att vår tyske kandidat kommer lite från samma skola som Nachtmahr (som vi ändå var väldigt nöjda med), både för det bättre och det sämre (funkar uttrycket på svenska?). Ett säkrare val i min mening.

Ska kanske passa på att säga nu att jag är intresserad att ta över skutan i framtiden. Får börja jobba på min aktivitet i forumen med start omedelbums! (y)

From: rufferto

This Post:
275489.94 in reply to 275489.93
Date: 7/23/2018 7:44:31 AM
Ratu BK
Overall Posts Rated:
Kan bara hålla med om den bedömningen och kul att du kan tänka dig köra en sväng längre fram, vi får snacka ihop oss vi som är aktiva ang träning så vi får upp ett bra landslag även i fortsättningen.
