Look then other things play a factor then he got 20+ shots. you can figure out why he didn't score like manon said the od and double team was working. Just because that player had handling 15 with driving , dont mean he will be good in patient( meaning you didn't have the other components in patient to make it work).. My pf dont have handling 15 nor driving 15, but mines is looking better than yours in patient because I have team to make it work in his favor.
You can claim lack of comp. Look the other team that beat me center/pf were way better he still got a double double. So again you don't have the team to play it. What was ft shooting at?? he didn't get to the line. he didnt create any shot ,if he did the defense really made his day hell.
You cant mad at me because, Im tying to tell how its played. pf/centers don't shoot lot of 3ptrs again foolish on your behalf> you expected the center/pf to be raining and bombing 3's . comical at best, if its the best shot on the floor then he will take it, your didn't make them., he had skill for the mis-match. he got his chances, he just got shut down or had a bad night.. But Thank you for the laugh, its good with the coffee this morning.
Last edited by Mr. Glass at 4/17/2014 11:38:39 AM