Like who? The teams that have promoted up have of course added a lot of new players, I know Eugene changed some of his roster around, and of course Delta 9 has bought a ton of scrimmage fodder players and fired them over the past few months. But people staying in the NBBA and selling off their teams for profit and rebuilding for the next year with that cash? It's not happening, certainly not routinely, and definitely not profitably. And they sure as heck aren't looking for high skilled youth until they're tanking, since you can't play an 18 year old trainee in the NBBA regularly, nor can you in the stages of the Cup that they need to get to to keep their salaries afloat. -Hurley
Mr glass-^^^^^ Cop-Out answer... You know the deal that be, in the top level of play. I have expressed all those thing before. you use one 18yr old 5/5 or 5/4 in the nbba. That can work and its what they are doing. Don't give me the song and dance, its a cop out.
And the main examples of that are players taking less money to go play for a championship contender, right? So the BB equivalent would be that a guy who has a 100k salary per week would ask you to pay that amount (or, heck, even more because he's going so far down the league structure) but he'd decide to take 25k/week to get onto the roster of the leaders in the NBBA. I don't want to put words into your mouth, especially knowing how they get abused while in there, but you can't seriously think that is a good idea -Hurley
Mr glass -^^ Again this is fantasy heme on your behalf and un important to Bb,we don't do/have any trading here so what to discuss.?? But ok, i'll play along once more to inform you with my small opinion which not BB gospel just my opinion, Didn't LeBron James take less to join the heat in the nba, just to name few who have done it. Did he not get a ring with lessor pay??. A lot of player take less to win a ring.. IN BB terms it foolish to discuss how much you can pay that's mandatory set. Because you didn't train you can not afford. How is that fair??. My point is for BB why restrict a team from winning a championship, Which is what the game is about in one form of it..
Because he/she cant afford it to start is a cop-answer. Its a mangers games.. let them find a way to do it. Let them cut cost to do it. I have done it ,so have many other before me., its not hard to make money on BB period. If there so much money on the game, why is market struggling to sell players because of cost to afford.? The players got more expensive if asked me. why restrict because yu haven't trained you cant afford. That is wrong and unfair..
If the manager does arena in the right fashion and wins..\Why can he afford a player with Nbba talent.? hmm? if he has the money in the bank to hold him let him do it. it take tactics and many factors to win in BB not buying a team of kobe's
Last edited by Mr. Glass at 7/30/2014 4:25:46 PM