Hey I have opinion to share, try consider, take the important things that you value which you have now in your current team and your hard-earned expanded arena and the cost which you have to spend only once or twice unless it costs more than 4 digits figure into consideration.
If I'm in your shoe, I'll definitely spends 1-80 ringgit to keep my account active.
By the way, you said that you would start a new team and start from the beginning all over again, I don't think that draw you to have more interest in BB because you'll have to start over what you have gone through before, therefore I don't think its a good idea to start over from beginning unless you have new plans or you have done a mistake to start all over again.
But from the positive aspect, you can actually learn more from starting over, or maybe you'll get to learn something which you miss while proceeding, this is if you have the enthusiasm to start over and continue to persevere, it would be a great practise actually.
Anyway, I do hope to see you around again if that inconvenient is really causing you to be unable to keep your account active.
Guna Bahasa Melayu wei kalau nak minta tolong orang lain untuk buka awak punya 'ini', kita orang okay kerana kita orang faham, saja nak tolong bukan nak main helah, tapi pihak atasan tak kenal suara hati kita orang.