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U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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304526.87 in reply to 304526.82
Date: 6/8/2020 7:36:12 AM
Floriondos Team
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While Lord James is a great manager and respected manager, he didn't take any part in the discussion here, did not answer about any of the questions that were asked here about the roster(about Xoan for example).
It feels to me like he is apathetic to whats going on here, like its an easy win to him.

Eeeeeerrrrr....... YES.
You begin to know the background.
They're so "special" here that even the French coach will get more votes than you without saying anything. And for the record, I repeat, you have my vote.

Eeeeeerrrrr....... SÍ.
Empiezas a conocer el contexto.
Aquí son tan "especiales" que hasta el entrenador francés sacará más votos que tú sin decir nada. Y conste, repito, que tienes mi voto.

Last edited by Cyberfistro / Peskue / Tomateitor at 6/8/2020 7:39:21 AM

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304526.91 in reply to 304526.90
Date: 6/8/2020 8:25:36 AM
Folgado Lakers
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Folgado Lakers II
You right, most of the ideas are not new, u didn't expect me to come with some secrets ideas that only the israeli community knows.
But is it random and not the right thing to do? I disagree with you. I do agree with you that good staff usually determines if the results are going to be good or not, thats the reason I wanted to get the people who are already in the staff, who already knows whats going on, these people already have connections with most of the players, those people already know whats the plans.
Don't you think its better than getting some random people from spain who knows nothing about the current situation, who weren't in the current staff? Isn't it smarter to wait untill after the elections so those people from the staff will join me?

No. Absolutely not. By saying this you're placing yourself way over your potential collaborators, implying you're more important than them. Even more if you say you've won 200 medals in all your posts - we actually don't give a f*ck about them if you show this arrogance, especially when most people know you here for your disgraceful post criticising a TIE-TIE deal that any decent manager in the world had accepted. For this reason, you should not be surprised that we have a great laugh at yor U21 candidacy, no matter whether you say nice stuff about tactics and training (that tbh I mostly agree with).

Just to put you an example, in our NT (you can check our last seasons' results) there is not a single staff member that is more important than the others. We all scout, we all analyse the games, and all opinions are equally discussed. Of course, Kikeflori does a bit more of work, especially in the pre-season days. But this is not about "I", as you presented yourself, but about "WE".

Last edited by Darkonako at 6/8/2020 8:27:40 AM

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304526.92 in reply to 304526.89
Date: 6/8/2020 8:30:46 AM
Súria Lakers
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Súria Lakers II
Para cerrar el tema de Xoán DrunDIOS ya que está empezando a tocarme la moral al ser un jugador que entreno yo...

Que lo venda o lo deje de vender a finales de la próxima temporada es algo que ni te va ni te viene ya que para eso soy yo el mánager y hago lo que me apetece. Aunque si a lo que te refieres es que mi equipo Utópico es una granja... Quizá deberías ver tu 2º equipo, en el cuál solo entrenas jugadores israelís (y me parece genial, la verdad sea dicha), mientras que por mi parte, es el primer jugador español que metó en la u21 y como puedes comprobar, también estoy con un andorrano ya que me parece que ellos sí necesitan más de mi ayuda que no la u21 española.

Y sobre el tema del entrenamiento... Si le hubiese dado habilidades primarias a Drundin con 20 años, habría llegado al límite de su potencial antes de acabar la temporada, por lo que su entrenamiento con 21 años habría sido una pérdida de tiempo. Ahora, hemos conseguido que pueda seguir llegando a ese límite de habilidades interiores pero siendo mucho más bueno por fuera!
Hemos "sacrificado" una temporada de "resultados" a cambio de una temporada mejor, un valor de mercado mayor y una eficacia mucho más elevada!

P.D.: Mi trabajo dentro del staff es el de "creador de memes" por lo que no te ofendas por el que te hice a tí; a Lord James le he hecho más que a nadie e incluso puedes encontrarlos por el foro, dentro del hilo de la ñ21. Un abrazo!

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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From: pamat0

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304526.93 in reply to 304526.90
Date: 6/8/2020 8:44:49 AM
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I have far more possibilities being elected in Israel U21 than you here... and I haven't wasted as much time as you in the forums... just saying

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304526.97 in reply to 304526.95
Date: 6/8/2020 9:13:16 AM
Súria Lakers
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Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
Plot twist: Si sale elegido, su objetivo será sacar el mayor provecho para Israel.

De nada a todos.

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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