And if you read my suggestions portion, I said it could be tiered accordingly, but their revenue should be tiered as well. There is plenty of man hours in the day to work through that one.As far as the arenas, there are threads that talk about the arena. But the reality is, if you have a "soft cap" which is known, it doesn't matter how big your stadium is - you may not fill it. There is nothing like a 10k people arena owner that can only get 6k people in it with a 10 PR guy.
Apparently some are already hitting the cap. I suspect one of my gaurds, w/ salary of 30k, has hit the limit, and his skills total around 80 (not including ft and stam).
Pretty sure based on what exactly?Inside players are training higher, but overall they have a lot of just 4 skills, while a guard needs a lot of 6 skills.
1. You might consider changing top league income based on the size of the countries user base. For example, there is a disproportionate number of I clubs, because all the small countries have no II leagues and those teams have the potential to make huge income streams. If income was scaled according to user base size (not linearly, but maybe using a log function or something...that would reduce a lot of the teams making huge profits and creating run-away inflation.