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Private League 9 (thread closed)

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198296.870 in reply to 198296.869
Date: 2/16/2012 3:29:37 AM
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Just something I'm wanting to address, not necessarily an appeal but more so a trend I see appearing.

Brisbane Thunder Vs Kynlala Knights 95 - 75 (42320316)
3 - C. Young ill [ Kynlala Knights ] ( 49 points including 8-17 3ptrs, 5 boards and 2 assists ) i expect a protest here but almost 50% from outside from 17 shots is pimp, so just bloody relax ok!!!
2 - S. Faka’osifolau [ Brisbane Thunder ] ( 11 - 23 fg 3 from range, 28 points, 2 rebs 2 asts and 3 steals

As you guys can see I won this match by a 20 point margin and essentially my scoring was spread out quite considerably throughout my team. C. Young Ill (one of Iwens only 2 decent players in that game) played for 48 minutes and scored majority of their points in a patient offense which is expected. Faka played 26 minutes and had 27 points and was on the winning team

Now my question is, at what point do we start penalizing the Star players on the losing team? Meaning, If I had have beaten Iwen by 25 points instead of 20 would that mean his player would not have received the 3 votes? Or does it need to be a bigger margin?

This also happened last week when I played against Bringing Sexy Back. And not to take anything away from the good job the South MVP contributors are doing, just trying to find some common ground here.

Brisbane Thunder Vs Bringing Sexy Back 107 - 86 (42320311)
3 - G. Chilò Trosman [ Bringing Sexy Back ] ( 53 points with pretty good shooting 22 - 41fg with 5 from down town )
2 - S. Faka’osifolau [ Brisbane Thunder ] ( 11 - 22fg, 3/7 from distance 27pts , 8 rebounds and 4 steals to make up for the 3 to)

As you can see in this game it is more justifiable for Trosman to receive the 3 votes as he played just as many minutes as Faka and had greater turnaround. But yet again I had won by more than 20 points
Like I said I would be grateful if I heard some opinions on this because as it stands now, if someone so chose they could play their scrubs + their best player and run a patient offense to skewer the MVP votes in their favour..

Anyways please do not take offense to this Ranga, As I said at the start I'm merely addressing this to the Fishbowl to get their opinions.

From: yodabig

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198296.871 in reply to 198296.870
Date: 2/16/2012 3:35:44 AM
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I think it is a reasonable thing to address and I have to admit I am guilty of being inconsistent here as well. I well remember a game a few seasons ago when I gave Koop's Wazza 3 votes in a blowout loss against Coachnoodles because as I remember he had about twice the stats of the next best player in the match, but it was brought up a few times later as being a bad allocation. Lucky we still have C-Cat, and I know that he will always rule in favour of the winning team in a blowout, so if you feel strongly that Rad-Ranga despite his overall brilliant work has made one little error then you do have the right to an appeal.

From: Leeroy

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198296.872 in reply to 198296.871
Date: 2/16/2012 3:39:34 AM
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I usually abide by the decision because I know the toils of doing MVP votes, Let alone write ups on the games hence why I'm currently happy to take a considerable break until I settle down a little

one little error

It's more of a trend I see happening, It may not be an error I'm just trying to compare my opinion to others in the community.

This Post:
198296.873 in reply to 198296.870
Date: 2/16/2012 3:43:35 AM
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Noted mate, happy to hear feedback... at least it proves someone is actually reading the damn thing and i'm nto wasting my time.
i was going to start giving gab wall 15 points per game coz noone seems to give a rats about the south MVP's. :(((

im just in the middle of a weights work out, so can i address you properly afterwards?
no offence taken either... i see your point.... and as i wrote, i did expect a protest.

This Post:
198296.874 in reply to 198296.873
Date: 2/16/2012 3:49:03 AM
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eh i read the souths and are willing to do them but you seemed to have reserved a spot for the next right ups or else i would of done it also ill added up the totals after this weeks game for the south.

Australia NT coach. Join offsite forum for all things Australian
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198296.875 in reply to 198296.874
Date: 2/16/2012 4:04:07 AM
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Thanks Brooksy, I'm not trying to offend anyone, just when there's nothing said at all about it, and I request help doing the totals 2 weeks ago or whatever its been now and hear nothing, what else am I to think?

im happy doing the actually votes, its kinda fun.
if i had more time i would put more (re: SOME) detail into each game, but as it is I do the best I can.... OK OK OK back to business.

This Post:
198296.876 in reply to 198296.875
Date: 2/16/2012 4:13:30 AM
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I actually read them too, although I knew more of the South teams last season.

This Post:
198296.877 in reply to 198296.870
Date: 2/16/2012 4:14:34 AM
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Ok, I can address this quite simply.
I'm not sure if there are some ACTUAL reals and mandates (haha man dates) or whatever about how all this is REALLY meant to work, but in MY OPINION.
the MVP votes go in order from 3 2 1 for the best individual player on the court.
Yes Iwen played Patient Offence, and noone else on his team did anything, HOWEVER.
C Young Ill still scored a shit tin of points at a very good percentage, 8-17 3ptrs. i mean come on.
in 48 minutes he made 1 foul and 1 turn over

also to use BB mechanics or whatever to assist my decision, he was the highest rated player on the court with a 12.0

I can see where you are coming from, however i've always been strongly against people giving the best player from the WINNING TEAM the 3 points as this is an individual award, (MVP not MVT).
so at what point do I stop awarding this kind of behavior? when i don't believe the best player on the losing team is the best player on the court.
its not about the margain, its about the individual players.
there was another game, i think it was against me where the other guy had a player that scored heaps, but was rubbish and got a 5.0 game rating and i flogged them.
so if you beat Iwen by 200 points and C Young Ill still scored 48 points with those %'s and was the highest rated player on the court, i'd still probably give it to him... (ok maybe not by 200 points coz that would mean someone on your team would have scored tonnes, but you get my point right)

anyways i think im ranting and maybe losing the point....

if you have further questions just mail them to Rad Ranga, care of Jesus... 349 i'm exhausted from doing too many weights Avenue.

This Post:
198296.878 in reply to 198296.877
Date: 2/16/2012 4:21:14 AM
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yeah i dont mind doing them either they are quite fun. I just havent had time lately on the weekend to di them and by monday youve already done thedm most times

Australia NT coach. Join offsite forum for all things Australian
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198296.879 in reply to 198296.878
Date: 2/16/2012 4:48:58 AM
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Well I haven't really had this issue. Most of the time the best player is from the winning team. Looking at the stats is the easy part. However since there's no defensive player of the year award, I also take into consideration of defence in deciding votes. I look back at play by play to see who's guarding whom. Of course zones make it more difficult.

Also if the game is a blow out I eliminate the garbage quarters in deciding the votes. On the other hand if the game is a close one and there's several players fighting for votes then I put more emphasis on players who did well late in the game.

A good example in the West is Underwood from Team Lordy. He's playing patient so Underwood has been jacking up majority of the shots but because most have been in garbage time and his shooting percentage has been low which in fact is costing his team wins. So is he really the most valuable player or just a ball hog?

This Post:
198296.880 in reply to 198296.877
Date: 2/16/2012 5:51:02 AM
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I only have one problem with this. And that's the manipulation of votes.

If I so chose, following your guidelines; I could play all of my scrubs and have my best player play at a position I know the opposing team is weak in defensively with a patient offense and get 3 votes each time?
