Σας διακοπτω αλλα ψαχνοντας επεσα σε αυτο και ηθελα να το ποσταρω καπου για να τα βλεπουν οι νεοι παικτες μας που το παιζουν ντιβα χωρις να εχουν προσφερει τα μεγιστα... ενω θα μπορουσαν αν δουλευαν οπως οι μεγαλοι παικτες καθως δεν ειναι μονο η προσφορα στην εθνικη αλλα και οι εμπειριες που αποκομιζουν οι παικτες απο τετοιες διοργανωσεις ωστε να γινουν καλυτεροι.
Said about Galis
Michael Jordan: "I did not expect to find such a good offensive player in Europe, especially in your country." (October 1983, National team of Greece Vs University of North Carolina for the "Dimitria" Tournament).
Drazen Petrovic: "I'd love to play in the same team with him so I can pass the ball to him to score!"
Drazen Petrovic: “If I'm the Devil's son, then Galis is the devil himself.”
Aza Petrovic (1988): "Drazen is my brother, but I vote for Galis."
Arvydas Sabonis: "I have the feeling that if Galis wants to score a basket, he will score, no matter what the opponent does, nor who the opponent is. He is always determined to succeed."
Giorgos Amerikanos: "The man is a computer! He knows what, when, how and why he does what he does. I have not seen such self respect to a player before. He can, if he is certain, take a shot from the center of the court, having five players guarding him, despite a teammate of his being unguarded under the opponent's basket. If I had him next to me in AEK, there would be decades before we taste a defeat."
Audi Norris: "I have seen a lot of big players in my life, but what Galis did today (1987-88, Barcelona - Aris) can be done only by 2-3 players in the whole world."
Antonio Miguel Diaz (1990): "Come on, tell me the truth. Galis came with you. Where do you hide him?"
Bob McAdoo (1985): "What Galis and Aris did tonight never happened to me before. Not even in a Celtics game."
Bob McAdoo: "I've seen Galis doing things that I have not seen either Lakers or Celtics doing."
Vasilis Goumas: "If we played together we would score 300 points every game. He sees the basket as a barrel."
Yiannis Ioannidis (1986): "I warn you! When Galis won’t be able to fly as now, he will be the best play maker in Europe!"
Sergei Belov: "I admire him. When he plays one on one there is no way to stop him. I never thought there could be a player who could on his own give nightmares to and beat the Soviet Union."
Ruudd Harevaain (Holland coach): "I found a way to stop Nick. We will lock him in a hotel so that he cannot come on the court."
Aleksandr Gomelsky (former Soviet Union head coach): "Galis is the player of the 21st century."
An opposing team's head coach, during a pre-game press conference: "I found the way to stop Galis. I'll shoot him".