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BuzzerBeater Arenas

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56772.88 in reply to 56772.87
Date: 2/23/2009 7:10:56 AM
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you are making large profit now,and you will continue to make it,as you have any cost for your arena,you'll make it only in a lesser measure

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56772.89 in reply to 56772.88
Date: 2/23/2009 7:12:32 AM
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you are making large profit now,and you will continue to make it,as you have any cost for your arena,you'll make it only in a lesser measure

i have no cost for the arena???

I paid a lot of cash in it, and this money i like to have back ;)

This Post:
56772.90 in reply to 56772.89
Date: 2/23/2009 7:20:05 AM
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you are making large profit now,and you will continue to make it,as you have any cost for your arena,you'll make it only in a lesser measure

i have no cost for the arena???

I paid a lot of cash in it, and this money i like to have back ;)

you have not weekly cost,and no fear,your money will be back,only you need a little more time

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56772.91 in reply to 56772.90
Date: 2/23/2009 7:59:01 AM
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if you invest money on the player you do it, because you promise rewards for it, you also don't say this guy has a small arena but good players so he get extra taxes when they sell them because it was unfair that this player give him succes and rewarded money for him ...

If he sell him, he also could build his arena, and after a while he could have an similiar rooster ... But to make building his arena silly afterwards is crank, i can not rebuild i don't get back the succes i spare for it ;)

And you don't forget that i also profit from it, because it will hit my rivals harder then me ;)

And who should pay the salarys from the top players, should we all start to trade to get the best players in the top divisisons? Or why should you punish teams who work solid, and amybe get for top division into the long run? And those teams, who doesn't build a solid team in your eyes get stay in the top div? Is it a manager game, or is it make failures and win game?

Last edited by CrazyEye at 2/23/2009 8:02:40 AM

This Post:
56772.92 in reply to 56772.90
Date: 2/23/2009 8:14:40 AM
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Have you even calculated how long will it take for you to get the invested money back? Atleast in my league 4 this season. I tyed building and kept lowering the prices as you make more if you do not have the price maxed.
Let's use courtside seats. I had em @ 120 during the regular season. that's 11 home games. So I build 70 of those during the season totaling 140k cost. I did not build them at the start but during the season. It takes 1 seat to give you your money back if at price 120 in 16,7 games. So you have 11 home games a season the worst. So that's basically 1,5 seasons to just get your investment back and you need to win aswell. I do not actually see where is the problem here. I think it's normal that it takes a lot of time to get near to the guys in league 1. I don't think I should go up one league every season. Same is with training you actually lose no money on TL aswell.
It's not like you just build arena and win. You need a mixture of players and arena to be successful. There will be a cap for arenas and that is the attendance max with the lowest price per seat.

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56772.93 in reply to 56772.92
Date: 2/23/2009 8:57:09 AM
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yes,and this is why who have built great arenas have now a so great advantages,the top teams are not intersted,as also crazyeye says,because they have yet a great team and can manage with a good flexibility their choises but I and all new users,that started with a bad team and with the basic arena,have great difficulty to look at all the aspect,to build a decent team in short time and thinking about long run

Last edited by Steve Karenn at 2/23/2009 8:57:30 AM

This Post:
56772.94 in reply to 56772.83
Date: 2/23/2009 9:10:08 AM
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Defensive bunch here

I didn't bump this thread and bring up the issue feeling as anyone needed to be punished.

Did so because this is an issue to the long term balance of the game. Similar to when teams were making so much money in the early seasons that a radical overhaul had to be implemented without any prior notice. How'd that turn out? Was pretty painful for anyone that bought a player just before that announcement, as their investment dropped in half overnight.

I'm not proposing a solution, only bringing this up as there is still no apparent limit to the amount of attendance revenue generated. Could be wrong, but this seems to be a issue that will have to be addressed at some point.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." - http://tinyurl.com/noigttt
This Post:
56772.95 in reply to 56772.93
Date: 2/23/2009 9:32:38 AM
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So what are you saying that you can not manage the italian 4-th league? Should you be able to play as equal with div1 teams after one season in BB? I started this game a this season aswell and I think I can play in div3 next season. I'm not sure I can win it but I will prolly not relegate. Can I build my arena and train my players and make some trades on the TL -> yes! It will take time before I get to the top but that also takes time in RL.

This Post:
56772.96 in reply to 56772.95
Date: 2/23/2009 9:41:33 AM
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So what are you saying that you can not manage the italian 4-th league? Should you be able to play as equal with div1 teams after one season in BB? I started this game a this season aswell and I think I can play in div3 next season. I'm not sure I can win it but I will prolly not relegate. Can I build my arena and train my players and make some trades on the TL -> yes! It will take time before I get to the top but that also takes time in RL.

I'm quite satisfied of my level(in two season i won my V division and arrived 2nd at the first year in the fourth division).And i'm not saying that i want in two or thre season to reach the level of the top italian or deutch or spanish teams.But,as gm brianjames says,i see an economic unbalance,because nowadays,without expenses,some teams earn a great amount of money who gave them an enormous advatange which continue to grow very week.Now,I'm waiting for the salary updating,I want see if situation changes
P.S. Look at the difference of level between by IV division and the your :D

Last edited by Steve Karenn at 2/23/2009 9:43:25 AM

From: brian

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56772.97 in reply to 56772.95
Date: 2/23/2009 9:41:58 AM
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You have any idea the amount of time it will take to generate the funds to develop a 40k, 50k, or more arena? Oh, and then you have to develop a team of players that might have a value of double that arena.

Oh, and by the time you develop all this, teams that are already at that goal will be gaining faster then you can.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." - http://tinyurl.com/noigttt
From: Kukoc

This Post:
56772.98 in reply to 56772.97
Date: 2/23/2009 10:02:39 AM
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Basically it took him 6 seasons ofcourse. So he has an advantage on me with his arena and players. Now what you are suggesting is that if a players started in season 4 and I started in season 5 and we both made exactly the same decisions I should still catch him because that is fair game?
