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Suggestions > Minor Suggestions 4

Minor Suggestions 4

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From: Caveman

This Post:
309376.882 in reply to 309376.881
Date: 12/9/2023 1:38:09 PM
Mağara Adamları BK
Overall Posts Rated:
Hi again everyone,

Just wanted to mention one more thing after witnessing it twice in two different games within a five-minute span. It's about intentional fouling.

Don't you think that it is a bit excessive to directly foul the opponent down 6 with one minute left on the clock? I believe many teams would try to defend a possesion and then start with the intentional fouling because you immediately make it a 3-possesion game with 50 seconds left once you start to foul as soon as the clock hits the 1-minute mark.

Like maybe we can create some conditions about the number of possesions that is needed to take the lead or smtg. along the lines of this as I believe that it is not really realistic to foul at that part of the game.

This Post:
309376.884 in reply to 309376.11
Date: 12/14/2023 4:14:56 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
may be in the match history can be add the enthusiasm of the team at the game?

From: jbielsa
This Post:
309376.885 in reply to 309376.884
Date: 12/14/2023 7:37:10 AM
El Lobo-Lu Jujeño
Overall Posts Rated:
Hello everybody! I'm seeing in the last time, users that bought old players (+33) really cheap (between 1k to 10k) and high salaries (150k or more). They use the players in one oficial match and then, they fired him (obviosly not NT player) on Sunday before the economical update. It's not forbidden now, is just an "ethics" issue. I know that I can do the same... or other users also and raise the price.

I know that the player will have a game shape drop, but in minor leagues a 200k player in regular game shape is far better than a strong game shape of a player with a salary of 30k. Also I don't know if there are some economical punishments (maybe the fan survey) and how severe is this "punishment".

So, what about to keep at least 7 days a player, at least to pay him one time the salary.

Maybe the result will be the same (with the 200k salary player heading to retirment instead of being sold for 1k and then the retirement because noone will buy that player at 500k after second user fire him), but at least won't be any advantage for one game for a team at a really really cheap price.

This Post:
309376.887 in reply to 309376.876
Date: 12/17/2023 4:00:09 PM
BC Vitosha Sofia
A Grupa
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sofia Alpha Dogz
It would be nice to play NT scrimmages at higher enthusiasm level than usual 1. Maybe 5 or even 12? It would end these unrealistic no defense -games.
I love this idea! Would you guys consider NT scrimmages with fixed ent like B3/BBM and pickup games?

Last edited by mink0ff at 12/17/2023 4:05:15 PM

BBB: 2 (S37 S38); Top tier: 7 (S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S41 S63); Cup: 9 (S25 S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S40 S41 S61)
This Post:
309376.889 in reply to 309376.883
Date: 1/6/2024 12:42:24 PM
Mağara Adamları BK
Overall Posts Rated:
The fouling conditions can certainly be adjusted.

That would be appreciated. Happened once again today: 5 point game, 55 second left, started fouling and it is an 11 point game with 33 seconds to go :)

From: ogrizko
This Post:
309376.891 in reply to 309376.890
Date: 1/12/2024 4:43:53 AM
B.C. Ambidexter
Overall Posts Rated:
Hi, I have a great idea to add some button on the forum that marks all the parts of the forum as read :) For example, now I have to enter Suggestions to mark suggestions' topics as read ...I have to enter Bugs to mark Bugs' topics as read.

From time to time I am too lazy to read everything and too many unread messages happen in the forum. I want to mark all the forum as READ :) Thanks.

This Post:
309376.892 in reply to 309376.1
Date: 1/17/2024 11:47:52 PM
The Ravens
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Ravens II
Hello everyone. My suggestion isn`t a bit minor..But maybe a bit game changer.
Is about the transfer market and the auction bids.
If we include the factor ~Possibility~ like..
It will not 100% that the highest bid take the player but a lot of factors...
The highest bid
The nation of the player and the nation of the team that will bid
The average age of the team players if is near with the player that we want
How Famous or good is the nation of the team (like if the nation is one of the best , the leagues of that nation is better than others.
The division of the team
The supporters ..
So the bids will be the same , cause the highest bid will be the highest possibility like 30%-40% and all the others will be from 1% to 10% or 15%.
But now will have the possibility that the player will not go to the team with the highest bid.. but in team with lower possibility..
Its general explain of my suggestion , if you like this idea and you have the tools/devs that can do that. I can be more specific....
