Hey intendis, why hasnt there been much feedback for this year's U21 Team? We only have 10 players, and you havent even gotten the best ones.
You missed out on great under 21 players like Pancho Polines and Mariano Mecenas. Try looking at this for yourself. http://www.buzzerbeaterstats.com/ntscout.php?p_country=57&s_country=any&sort=salary&order=desc&sort2=potential&order2=desc&maxage=21&minDays=30
This should be the season where the u21 should focus on. We are in the worlds, so we need to step it up, and try to go farther than what previous u21 managers have achieved. You should also look upon scouting, and the future of our U21. I'm not so sure if you're dealing with that either.
Another possible thing we could do is to look into teams with GREAT draft picks who are about to become bots. When the U21 adds him, he would become a free agent instead of retiring. I think this was a tactic previous managers did like Lia Cruz.
So please, intendis, put more focus, and make our U21 better than ever.