With the first phase of in conference games out of the way, this would have to be one of the closest seasons I can remember. Only one team looks completely out of the race, and most teams, with the probable exception of Aussie Pride, probably have some threat of relegation still hanging over their heads if things go pear shaped. A couple of tankers in the big 8 would be really appreciated...
Seems like with the league being fairly close this season, home court is basically the deciding factor in the majority of games. Of the 56 games this season, only 12 have been won by the away team (with one of those being a forfeit, and another one a tank). As a result, you'd expect the ladder at this point to be strongly biased toward teams that had 4 home games in the first phase of in conference games.
Only two teams have won multiple away games - Aussie Pride and Victa Grasscutters, though Victa has also dropped an away game, making Aussie the only team that has won two more games than they have home games.
Hopelessly Addicted, PeaceNRoll, Lewisham Wombats, Chumunga, Goldfish and Victa have all won one more game than they have had home games.
Brisvegas, Whitebeard, Koopasaurus and HSD have won as many games as they have home games.
Seagulls and the Immortals are down 1
You Should Have Dunked, Stone Slashers and Urmummas have all lost two home games.
For interests sake, the teams who have had four home games thus far are Aussie, HA, YSD, Slashers, Chumunga, Seagulls, HSD and Koop