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Season 30

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267002.89 in reply to 267002.88
Date: 2/23/2015 11:45:28 AM
Tide of Fire
Overall Posts Rated:
13 skill pops in 3 and half seasons. You did great up to 21 but for 24 I can tell that he is behind where he was. I'm entitled to hold my opinion. A properly trained 24 year old would be well ahead. That said, even well trained he wouldn't have made 1.7 million, so amazing result for you. Like I said. Congrats

This Post:
267002.90 in reply to 267002.89
Date: 2/23/2015 11:56:50 AM
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Fine, you hold your opinion he's badly trained and behind where he should be at 24 cause he hasn't been trained since 22 when he capped.....

This Post:
267002.91 in reply to 267002.90
Date: 2/23/2015 12:01:38 PM
Tide of Fire
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No need to explode, I already told you no offence intended. I'll disagree no more, clearly 1.7 million and a congratulations isn't good enough?

This Post:
267002.92 in reply to 267002.91
Date: 2/23/2015 12:11:55 PM
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I didn't come on the forum to make a joke of your managerial acumen, oh hahah listed for 1.7 what a joke only to be proven wrong when I got a bid, to then criticise how I trained the player after - when he clearly capped at 22.

So I'm more than happy to "explode" and defend myself.


This Post:
267002.93 in reply to 267002.92
Date: 2/23/2015 12:39:18 PM
Durham Wasps
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Second Team:
Sunderland Boilermakers
I brought it up originally. I want to make it clear it wasn't because I thought you were a joke. I did it because I thought you were trying to rip someone off. You got a buyer. Great. Doesn't prove me wrong in my original assumption. Doesn't prove me right either but there you go. We can all be happy with our own opinions.

This Post:
267002.94 in reply to 267002.92
Date: 2/23/2015 12:49:36 PM
Tide of Fire
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He's not capped, your stats program is wrong, there's room to go. His passing is too low for 1.7 million I'd have expected waaaay better attention to all the secondaries for such a valuable player and I'd expect a fully capped player.

I never meant offence, I made sure to make that clear. You've taken it that way despite me saying not to. Please let whatever dignity is left here suffice. I been civil enough to give you my reasons. At least I haven't brought up the fact that pricing players like this to con people ignorant enough into buying them isnt exactly winning you a popularity contest right now. At least you did have someone congratulating you... Who you have now lost.

This Post:
267002.95 in reply to 267002.94
Date: 2/23/2015 1:00:48 PM
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I can only go by what buzzermanager tells me, apologies for using such a poor program.....your obviously more knowledgeable...

As for value and calling me a con I've sold to someone who just joined the game......the buyer has been playing since season 11....

You really are a bit of a T***

This Post:
267002.96 in reply to 267002.95
Date: 2/23/2015 2:45:00 PM
Durham Wasps
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Second Team:
Sunderland Boilermakers
I assume since I said you were hoping to con someone, I guess I can assume the T with three stars is aimed at me. I consider myself more of a 5 star guy but you're entitled to your opinion.

I've seen you try it before and I'm sure I'll see it again. We all play our own way. I don't try to get lucky on the transfer list, but then, I'm a fair kind of guy. Some are, some aren't.

I'm not going to bother with any letters followed by stars. That's not really for me either.

This Post:
267002.97 in reply to 267002.95
Date: 2/23/2015 2:48:49 PM
Tide of Fire
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Think it was aimed at me Gully, I actually think it was meant to be T-remendously helpful fellow.

This Post:
267002.98 in reply to 267002.96
Date: 2/23/2015 6:38:38 PM
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I'm not sure why you are involved in attacking me, clearly I've already stated I am upset with Vecx, please read his last comment again. It's interesting to note that you haven't provided any facts, other than that you aren't very good on the transfer market, which is supported by your negative transfer balance of over 1.4 million. FACT.

This Post:
267002.99 in reply to 267002.98
Date: 2/24/2015 3:12:38 AM
Tide of Fire
Overall Posts Rated:
Please stop with the personal attacks.

I've not once done that to you here and have been as civil as I
Possibly could while expressing my thoughts. Gully has merely expressed his opinion and it's pretty clear he takes a totally different view of how he would use the transfer market, I have no doubt he couldn't care less what profit or loss he has made on transfers, nor could I.

Nobody here is trying to putting you down, get off the defensive, you've flown off the handle over this. You've personally attacked me because you are upset with me for being the only one congratulating you, you took offence over the one thing I said was not meant to offend and now attacked me for saying something I never said. Feel free to go back read what I have said without quote mining and with the assumption that I am not attacking you. Can you see why I'm completely bermused that you would publicly insult my character?

At no point has anything I've said been meant with any disrespect. Now please stop, this is getting silly.
