we're asking all of you
Hi !
I'm part of an external forum (Buzzerbeater France) and we launched a topic about "what can be improve in BB". So i'm only here to talk about the result of this topic with my approximate translation xD
I think we can divide BB's problems in three : not enough communication, too much clic and "why the hell I lost ? random ?"
A lot of these suggestions aren't easy to add ! we know this very well :)
You asking what we would have in xx seasons, we answer ;)
Part 1 :Improve your communication toward us ! So everybody will be able to see you interact with the community and not only those who have the time to check the xxx posts on forum :p
- I though about a link like the rules link which lead on the project you have in mind
No need to put a date ! Just do it like this :
+ Short term (1 season ?) : well, we will improve this, this and that !
+ Medium term (2-3 saisons) : we will implement this and that
+ Long term (4-5 seasons or more) : we think BB will evolve this way (a good think to launch a debate by the way ;))
Programming take times, players need to understand this !
- keep the history of your modifications in the same page or in another with a link
It will help people to see how you work and make evolve BB
- Survey ! Well it was a marvelous idea ! But now, we have the impression some part haven't been take into account (we go back to the communication ^^). Launch a debate, take into account some ideas and doing little surveys would be really great in the future :)
Tutoring ! An essential part than most of other games understood !
It's absolutly needed because the forum isn't fit for that :/
- Create a space for each tutor (Google says guardian for translation :/)
each one would have a private managable forum. Only his pupils would have access to this (I tried it in Charazay and I must say it's marvelous :))
- Give access to the pupils'player stat to the tutor ... no more screenshot and explanation how to do them, yay ! ^^ Well a button giving the choice to share stats with his tutor would be even greater in fact :) Players need to have the choice instead of being forced !
Improve the forum :/
The forum ! a strategic tool to develop a community ! He must be user friendly (well don't know how to translate that so, in french, "convivial, lisible et accessible")
- A good way to do that is to talk about national teams. But how to do that without reveal your strengh and weakness to other countries ? simple, you can't freely talk about how to train an international to fit the needs of the national team.
So a managable forum (by GM of the country ? LA ? volonteer ?) with an exclusive access (French player = french private national forum) would allow to do here what we need to do in external forum :/ talking freely about the strategy of the upcoming France - Italy in an official (yet restricted) BB forum with a community of 1000 managers is way better than with 50-100 players :p
- Don't forget than a lot of peoples would be volonteer to help if you ask !
- Generally speaking, really to much click to go where you want :/ I'll talk about it later but it's really a big problem ! (on forum, to get stat, etc)
- A listing giving all existing forum (well maybe add a filter at least ^^) with a brief description would be interesting :)
- A link to get all the topic with new message in 1 page would be awesome too (take exemple of external forum :p)
- Searching a topic on the forum is really hard too :/ I searched a topic with numbers xxx.y ... well i never found it :p Afterward I though about put it directly on the url bar of my navigator ... but well not that good, right ? ^^
- Possibility to make a complete favorite page of link on forum ! and groups too
+ group 1
xxxx.y - possibility to write something
+ group 2
part 2 coming in some days to let you the time to read it