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BB Slovensko > Zajtrajsi zapas IV

Zajtrajsi zapas IV (thread closed)

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From: rwystyrk

This Post:
73582.896 in reply to 73582.895
Date: 6/1/2009 8:38:45 AM
BC Hostivař
První liga
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Second Team:
Mně se spíš zdá, že to bude měřit skutečnou sílu týmu. A mohlo by to sloužit k tomu, co je v avizovaných změnách popsáno následovně:

3. We have changed the way in which the home court advantage and enthusiasm effects scale across talent levels. For highly skilled teams these effects will be reduced, for middle of the road teams this effect will be relatively unchanged, and there will be a small bump in home court advantage for weaker teams. In effect, we hope to return home court advantage to a state in which each division will have approximately the same home team winning percentage.

From: KifaH

This Post:
73582.897 in reply to 73582.896
Date: 6/1/2009 8:55:59 AM
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Možné to je, ale sú to iba dohady.

From: Asasasa
This Post:
73582.898 in reply to 73582.1
Date: 6/1/2009 11:56:27 AM
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Extraligisti, koho chcete dostat do svojej casti?

Ja Stoned Aelfs (outside tim) a BK Repre (inside tim).

Nechcem porkolt, pretoze ten trenuje tych centrov riadne.

From: KifaH

This Post:
73582.899 in reply to 73582.898
Date: 6/1/2009 12:20:41 PM
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Porkolta by ste mali dostať vy, my už máme našu časť pomerne vyrovnanú. Vám treba troška konkurencie. Aby som to tak zhrnul..... Nechcem vypadnúť z Extraligy :P

This Post:
73582.900 in reply to 73582.899
Date: 6/1/2009 1:30:40 PM
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Ja chcem bit tam, kde je globetrotters...

This Post:
73582.901 in reply to 73582.900
Date: 6/1/2009 1:37:12 PM
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Ale ja nechcem :P.

This Post:
73582.902 in reply to 73582.901
Date: 6/1/2009 1:38:55 PM
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Je to jedno ze co chces, to bude co JA chcem, ROZUMIES???!!!

From: Asasasa
This Post:
73582.903 in reply to 73582.1
Date: 6/1/2009 2:49:33 PM
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Tak Vesga bol zvoleny ako MVP.

Minulorocny MVP len jeden 5th place vote, ale to je tym, ze Strong isiel na pohar.

This Post:
73582.904 in reply to 73582.903
Date: 6/1/2009 3:02:40 PM
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a putuje tak do siene slavy, kde uz nanho caka Majstrak... trofej som sice za MVP este nedostal ale ten majstrovsky je uz tam :)

oprava: uz su tam obe :D

Last edited by Elon Musk at 6/1/2009 3:09:39 PM

From: Asasasa
This Post:
73582.905 in reply to 73582.894
Date: 6/1/2009 3:20:28 PM
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Tak nakoniec isiel porkolt a MathTip dolava, BkRepre a Stoned Aelfs doprava, presne ako som chcel.

This Post:
73582.906 in reply to 73582.1
Date: 6/1/2009 7:26:25 PM
Nitra Corgons
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Nitra Urpiners
Zas hram u Asasasu aj u Vajkeza! Kde je spravodlivost?

1 BBB, 20 Leagues, 10 Tournaments, 3 Europe Titles (SVK), 2 World Bronzes (SVK), 2 Europe Bronzes (SVK,FRA), 42 Seasons NT coaching