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New season arena cap

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122870.9 in reply to 122870.7
Date: 12/15/2009 1:10:01 PM
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The economics of the situation are not the important factor here. The salaries are tuned to total income, so if teams earn more then salaries just end up a little higher. The economy will work either way. TV contracts are linked in a global sense to the economic balance as well. In other words, BB can definitely survive without changing this balance - it's a change being made in order to make the setup more realistic-looking. This is why we're not trying to ask teams to make some calculation on how to reconstruct the arena or anything like that but rather just going in at the all-star break and handing them a refund for the seats.

are the economics salarys i pay depending on my team or the total economic? I understand that it was the second, so it was important to react on it, that i get similiar income like my competion, but outch i can not do it anymore ... Nearly every seat i build will made another one useless, so i had to wait "the double" time, and i am not totally sure maybe the risk that a vip place visitor didn't come because i hit the cap with cheap visitors. Thats a great shiny future for teams, who get punished now for the second time with the arena cap and this time we couldn't even react.

I planned to let 13k bleachers, becuase they give you the money back fast and get solid total income with expensive seats - now teams with few bleachers and lot of the second category own me "forever".

improving the drafting and scouting system for example. But we know that when it comes time to work on arenas, having teams with 5000 courtside seats is going to limit our ability to improve it, so we wanted to cut it off while we were affecting about 100 teams instead of at a time when we might be affecting thousands.

With the long period of rebuilding, which gives me first thousand of nunused new bleachers(and i still haven't my money back and in the past the money was worth a lot more), now those hundreds users get again a punch into face - and this time we don't see the ligth because we had to live with dumb decisions we made before who wasn't that dumb in that moment we made them. At least a new testing period, and maybe faaaaaaaaaaaast deconstruction could be helping. To get the new standard arenas.

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122870.11 in reply to 122870.7
Date: 12/15/2009 5:43:50 PM
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Why don't implement the change right now? We will need time to re-calibrate the prices again, making us lost time and money. I'm tired to see that you are helping managers who doesn't risk time/money to improve, who only use the money to buy good players.

When you told us that all stadium managements were possible ways, it was not true. Now is being imposed on us almost the size of the stadium, with caps at two of the four areas. All these restrictions will allow teams of similar management arena and this limits freedom.

I'm not very happy about the news... Hope you can do something fair, Because if you give us the money back, that money isn't the same money (value) of the same amount 1 seasson ago or more.

Who cares?!
From: ned

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122870.12 in reply to 122870.7
Date: 12/15/2009 6:40:27 PM
Freccia Azzurra
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Second Team:
I think the problem here was more an attempt to make things match up with realism. It just doesn't seem reasonable that there would be, say, 5000 "courtside" seats -- your fans would be suing you for false advertising.

Could I say that is up to you to balance better the fans without improve an "unrealistic" thing?
I could have also 5000 luxury seats but if only 50 fans will sit down I've simply wasted my money; I can go down with the price at 1 $ in that case probably they will be 200 then I can't do anything more till next season when if my team was "good" I will have not 200 but 300 fans (for example).

In any case this aspect is really marginal the most important thing is that the economy now is balanced; if basically the salaries didn't increase a lot and if the TV+merchandising+arena will be increased (as every season) I'm afraid that we will see again a small inflaction but we will see on Monday ;)

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -
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122870.13 in reply to 122870.11
Date: 12/15/2009 7:22:44 PM
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I'm not very happy about the news... Hope you can do something fair, Because if you give us the money back, that money isn't the same money (value) of the same amount 1 seasson ago or more.

at least this season you could get profit out of it, as long as you have it ;) I was happy about my 500k bleachers i build end of season 9.

The main problem is the long time, and the missing possibility to react on the change, i achieved a lot of bleacher because i wan't a full house soon, and could life with few missing income from Upper tie, but now it is the main income area and not the vip and lower tie seats - which makes my way disadvantegous and i think i am not the only one. And i f i got the money i got back through this change i would have build that way.

But changing this every three weeks, is absolut silly especially if both things are easily to forseen ... To say that you are surprised from the gigantic arena in the beginning is a good joke, when you know the seasonholder cap and the visitor formula, then changing it to a total visitor cap which is discussed before and also mentioned that this lead only to higher quality not cheaper arena and now change again ... next tiem they see that new upcoming team will have no bleachers, and bam ruling the old team with several thousands of income each game.

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122870.14 in reply to 122870.7
Date: 12/15/2009 7:38:00 PM
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I agree with GM-Kozlodoev.

Why cap the arena at a specific amount?

You say it isn't realistic? When there are 5000 courtside seats they aren't filled are they? That's realistic. Mismanagement doesn't pay off. And BTW does it have to be realistic?

"Courtside seat construction will be capped at 500 seats, and luxury boxes at 50."
Why? I'm selling more because prices are low. People want to sit there. That's realism.

And even If you cap them? what should the cap be? Why 500? why not 750 or 1000?

This Post:
122870.15 in reply to 122870.7
Date: 12/15/2009 10:59:10 PM
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One question. Talking this, we may change something or this decision has been made?

Who cares?!
This Post:
122870.16 in reply to 122870.14
Date: 12/15/2009 11:36:24 PM
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A professional basketball court is 94 feet by 50 feet. That's 284 feet in which to put courtside seats. Figuring you have to have them off the court a bit, and that one whole side is given to the players and scorer's table, considering the first three rows courtside, and that each row back gets a few more feet of seats I'll throw out 900 feet worth of space for "courtside" seats. Considering that a seat takes up 24 inches of space, that's 450 seats that could physically be put in the first three rows of an arena. So 500 seats. I have 1000 courtside seats so I am bummed, but at the all-star break I will max my ticket prices, build 10 more luxury boxes, and hope to get the same amount of money.

According to Mark's message, there are 100 people who this change affects negatively. I am sorry you are one of them (as am I ) but really we should be happy that our teams are successful enough to have this problem.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
This Post:
122870.17 in reply to 122870.16
Date: 12/16/2009 3:14:12 AM
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then implement it from the beginning, this wasn't surprising but now it an economic killer and we can change anything ... So why now, and not saying this last season, when everyone build thats, instead of preparing the arena to the game we are playing.

Not that we only put money on the bank without interest for 2-3 Season without like with the other change, we totally have no chanche of reacting to this one.

And also minority, shouldn't be penalized, and like they said even without a econic reason but this thing is coming like a campaign against those hundreds managers.

Last edited by CrazyEye at 12/16/2009 3:16:18 AM

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122870.18 in reply to 122870.17
Date: 12/16/2009 5:31:07 AM
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well... its a critical decision here...

i can understand the anger of any manager building back his arena for (more than) one season, makin a plan and then in allstarweek of season11 some bulldozers make a destructionderby in the courtsideseats and vip-lounges... even when this is announced rapidly

on the other hand...charles' example of the 5000 "courtsides" is chosen well, its a matter of realism.

the new changes are only crucial for teams in the top leagues, they fear their competitiveness on each other.. like a cold war of arena building.
another problem is: again there will be much extra-money from the arenarebuildings in the allstarbreak - again mostly for the topteams. this will make it even harder to promote to the top first devisions and be competetive there, though i dont know how many teams are affected...

i can understand both sides of argumentation but also see a lot of problems with this decisons... @ bbs: i'm not an economist... but aren't u able to find a 'better' solution for the 'arena problem'?

Last edited by schubrakete at 12/16/2009 5:39:09 AM

This Post:
122870.19 in reply to 122870.16
Date: 12/16/2009 6:53:50 AM
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PS: is it realistic that seats disappear over night? So this is a realism change and lot of managers end up with a arena they didn't want, or build there arena today with other target, so this affects clearly more then 100 managers i think with the current decision it could be a long term fault to build addditional bleachers.
