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15506.9 in reply to 15506.8
Date: 2/9/2008 4:21:23 PM
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RIP88 has pointed out that these "quotes" do indeed give an impression on the game's editors and their conception on the game. They do leave an impression and they are ment to.

And indeed, I agree with RIP88. I read them and thought that I at least don't share the sense of humor this game represents. So we are talking about Corporate Identity ("you never get a second chance to make a first impression").

Of course this is nothing important and I don't think RIP88 claimed so. But why not accept the hint, that these quotes might be countereffective? We have a customer here, giving his opinion on sth he thinks could be improved!

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15506.10 in reply to 15506.9
Date: 2/9/2008 4:39:09 PM
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I stand by my original opinion that it's a non-issue, and that if someone reads those quotes and it causes them not to play, then they most likely didn't want to play anyways.

We're talking about two humor-bases quotes on a sports game website - this isn't Congressional policy.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
15506.11 in reply to 15506.10
Date: 2/9/2008 6:19:49 PM
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I can light-heartedly agree that we disagree. It is not a matter of importance, so far we even agree.

It is of equal importance as the background-colour of the game, the type of player-faces we supporters can see, any logo that is used by BB and so on...

It is part of the face, the image BB has. And I believe image to be important in order to gain new users. So as a final remark let me stress my point: I do not care about these "quotes" but I do care about the way comments by users on the BB-Image are treated.


From: Plotts
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15506.13 in reply to 15506.12
Date: 2/6/2009 11:13:31 AM
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Are they inside jokes?

Laugh-in was funny when it came out.

Is laugh-in still funny? probably only to its creators...

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15506.14 in reply to 15506.13
Date: 2/6/2009 11:20:54 AM
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Laugh-in was dumb even when it came out, but as a kid it was sort of funny. However it is because of laugh-in that the original star trek was cancelled. (They moved ST to Friday nights to give laugh-in ST's cushy monday night) So I will forever be anti-laugh-in. Yes I am a nerd, I mean I spend 4-6 hours a day on this website, what did you expect?

I got your point though Plotts, it just struck a personal chord :P

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15506.15 in reply to 15506.14
Date: 2/6/2009 12:07:54 PM
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I'll tell you who I don't like, 'not nerds'

Nerds are the only subset less fractal than hipsters, who for the record are perhaps worse than hippies.

A girl at my bank said I looked like a hippie because of my beard (which is superbly groomed) and I told her I was a neo-nonconformist, disestablishmentarianistic sci-fi junkie with a red beard.

That shut her up.

Last edited by Plotts at 2/6/2009 1:25:19 PM

This Post:
15506.16 in reply to 15506.15
Date: 2/6/2009 1:20:15 PM
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I actually cared only once when I spotted a face of one of my players there. Then it made more sense.

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15506.18 in reply to 15506.17
Date: 2/6/2009 2:10:19 PM
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Maybe some famous NBA quotes? Something like these ones:

After Michael Jordan had scored a play-off record 69 points - I'll always remember this as the night Michael and I combined to score 70 points.
Stacey King

In my prime I could have handled Michael Jordan. Of course, he would be only 12 years old.
Jerry Sloan

I’m tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok.
Shaquille O’Neal

We have a great bunch of outside shooters. Unfortunately, all our games are played indoors.
Weldon Drew

But you have to understand, my beard is so nasty. I mean, it's the only beard in the history of Western civilization that makes Bob Dylan's beard look good.
Bill Walton

They say it about brothers, but I can guarantee everyone in Finland looks alike.
Charles Barkley

I've been rich and poor. Being rich is better.
Charles Barkley
