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Economy managment

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17431.9 in reply to 17431.8
Date: 2/28/2008 6:26:21 PM
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How do you find the training rates compared to training 2 spots?


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17431.10 in reply to 17431.1
Date: 2/29/2008 2:53:07 AM
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TV money is pretty significant, so it might be normal to be losing money weekly between TV games. The distribution of your TV games is a bit odd, with the one game very early, then several weeks, and then the last two fairly close together. Each TV game is worth $260,000 for DII.

You also had the 3 road league games, so you had one week with very little revenue.

So your situation is not out of control. But it means that you can't bid on any player in case you had to try to work around some injuries.

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17431.11 in reply to 17431.10
Date: 3/2/2008 1:31:49 PM
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think it is even 275k in Div II

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