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Fouling out problem

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From: Steve Kerr

To: kpd
This Post:
203016.9 in reply to 203016.4
Date: 11/23/2011 1:48:23 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

From: ClipCap
This Post:
203016.11 in reply to 203016.10
Date: 11/23/2011 4:40:25 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I had a PF that had the same issue, would Foul out in about 15 to 20mins everytime. I put him up on the Market & no one bought him, after that his Foul problem was no worse than anyone else on my team. Maybe try that, if you don't want to sell him put him up for way more than what he's worth.
I have no evidence that this is an actual answer to this issue, just something I observed.

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