Well it's really tough to decide. I KNOW I can beat the #1 guy in my conference, just haven't under the right circumstances. Game 1 against him wasn't fair at all since it was the first game of the season so I TIE'd him (Lost by 20). Game 2 I lost by 1 with 4 seconds left on the clock to make a shot but missed (Had high Enthusiasm 8-9 and played Normal). So if I make it to the finals I can CT him and win since he stays at 5 enthusiasm the entire season.
The big problem though is my last game is against the Purple Chihuahuas who will have max Enthusiasm just like me who I've beaten once this season but with CT. He also just acquired a new 10K SF that may be a problem for my 11K SF. I don't know what he'll do in the last league game and then in the PO's. He may just TIE and then CT me so he has a chance to advance.
I'm thinking I'll do a TIE, Normal and then CT come the #1 matchup. Or at least that's what I'm edging towards..
If you know the first playoff game will be against this same team and you know the second will be against a team that will be stuck on 5 enthusiasm, I might go so far as do a normal, then POCT the opener (which is treated like a CT for game purposes but like a normal for enthusiasm). I suppose it depends on how you'd do if you made the finals too - because after essentially three normals, your enthusiasm would be beat up - although if you could do a PON against the #1 seed in the conference final and win, that would help.
It sounds like a lot of decisions to make, though. I think home court might be worth losing a little enthusiasm, in this case.