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NT Worthy?

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From: fari

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250172.9 in reply to 250172.8
Date: 10/22/2013 10:19:06 PM
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Dude, I really see what your saying, but the more you have the better, sometimes it's not needed but its better, cost could be high, but you have a great player never the less. Urbanek of CR NT is 280k, but is probably the best PF in BB (IS explanatory).

SB indeed work, but should you just brush aside ID like that, ID is efficient to me??

I believe that JR is for guards, not Center, imo.

You need diffrent type of skill sets to fulfill NT needs. Right now will probably be the SB era though.

Last edited by fari at 10/22/2013 10:21:44 PM

From: fari

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250172.11 in reply to 250172.10
Date: 10/25/2013 3:44:45 PM
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280k will always make since in my book even if it's expensive. Urbanek, requires sacrifices from other teams though. Hence without farm teams he wold be valuable to win B3 and World Championships. Sure 80% of the world is look to making players inexpensive. But trust me people who are dedicated to making the best players to win WoChampion are great even if expensive. There's only a handful of farm teams with multi accounts, which is a bit of a problem but salary to me, as long as it stays under 300k or just slightly above it, it shouldn't be a problem,but it will negate your clubs money flow and some league game are sure to be sacrificed.

I don't have experience of managing NT players, but to me you definitely should be trying to train on what your NT needs most. And this era it's stopping LI offense and IS shots with SB players. This is my 9th season going into this game too.

SB is most certainly the new era.

Last edited by fari at 10/25/2013 3:46:17 PM

From: fari

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250172.12 in reply to 250172.11
Date: 10/25/2013 3:49:28 PM
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Me personally I think my player could make it with tons of inside training, and he already has incredible subs. He isn't a bad trainee. He just needs patience and dedication. That is why I'm going to train RB to 8, then 1v1 him to make his guards skills out of this world. Plus he is ATG, he will train really,really long.

From: Ruaidri

To: fari
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250172.13 in reply to 250172.12
Date: 10/25/2013 7:18:25 PM
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Second Team:
Silver Onions
A NT player needs 10 seasons training at least. That means in real life 2.5 year!!! 2.5 year that your team is not on full strength. That is a big commitment.

Most managers fail somewhere along the way.
Good luck!

Only in the dark, we succeed!
From: fari

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250172.14 in reply to 250172.13
Date: 10/25/2013 10:08:32 PM
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Well, I didn't mean I would be keeping him that long. He can sell for a lot of money the future. But evidently I still want him to be on track which in fact he is on track of the NT. I don't think an NT player gets 10 season training at least. Thats 28yrs of age, which players cap at that range as a HOF and below on the NT. A player gets probably about 6-8 seasons at least. Well you do the math on how much months that is. At most players train to their 10th season, depending on pot. Which if the player is almost fully trained at age 24yrs, he'll most likely cap at age 26 or 27.

Who knows what the future holds in store for me, I might just keep him, or not.

From: fari

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250172.15 in reply to 250172.13
Date: 10/25/2013 10:12:09 PM
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Plus most managers fall in the early stages of the game, being uninterested in the game long enough to enjoy it. When your training a player and becomes your stud, you actually become more interested because of the hardwork and results of a stud player you trained for so long.

From: Flamen

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250172.17 in reply to 250172.16
Date: 10/26/2013 6:07:02 AM
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If he goes over 220-240k with those secondaries he will go retired.

Also about IS statement, remember that the inside skill silverbacks tanked of outside attack was ID. IS should be as high as it can be. You need to capitalize on easy oportunities.

From: fari

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250172.18 in reply to 250172.16
Date: 10/26/2013 7:16:10 AM
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Just because I don't agree with your logic,you dare, criticize me with insults are you serious?? what are you like 10, its a game?? Dude lets be real, this is a forum where all opinions are valued. I don't know about you but this is just a game after all, which I enjoy playing. But I don't need these comments from someone who clearly doesn't know how to give advice ,CONSTRUCTIVELY. I really thought we could have explained our view point on things, but your to weak to challenge me and quite frankly please, don't comment, troll somewhere else. I guess this is why nobody listens to you ......Skip Bayless.

Ok, lets be clear, I never said anything about having a lot of players with 250k to 300k. I said it's a sacrifice for a team to have a player like that, Ulf Gornitz was in fact low 300kish, Morande is still in fact 300k which is Chiles best player, but they both are are very all-around players on resume. Salary wise yes, the more affortable highish 180kish teams usually win it all. I probably didn't explain myself clearly, but it dosen't matter. I definitely understand that the bigs with no subs with the high salary's will never win against bigs with all-around skills. I completely get that. It is better to have more affordable player like WC NT's. PF's dominate this game.

Why don't you stop being self centered. Clearly you don't like being attacked by other peoples thoughts on any matter. Work on that. You should have at least try to uplift my goals, you started where I was before, and you had goals. I clearly have knowledge dude, you completely misunderstood, probably alot of people before me as well. and people who aren't even in D3 have knowledge, I've accomplished a lot in this game I trained Greg Pereira, U21 NT star who was looking like this 11/8/14/13/13/14 - 5/4/3/6 - 3/7 at the beginning of S20 at 21yrs of age, he was 40k PG playing on THEE best U21 team ever in history. Please respect every bodies opinions on any matter, this is a friendly community I come to know for about 2-3 years....until now. And just because I'm in D.IV, doesn't mean Idk a thing about the game, that's a pretty dumb assessment on things. Maybe because I was building up my arena, check out how big my arena is. I was saving up money, not just promoting every season. But I guess you gained rep, by bashing everybody, about serious topics. Otherwise I never heard of any of your accomplishments.

You have it easy, your in a Micronation.

Last edited by fari at 10/26/2013 9:24:03 AM

From: fari

This Post:
250172.19 in reply to 250172.17
Date: 10/26/2013 7:31:54 AM
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I won't make him that much salary
