So let's see:
I describe ID and SB like this:
- ID is needed for everything which happens before the shot attempt
- SB kicks in as soon as the opponent tries to shoot
There are three cases:
1) ID > SB
The most common case. ID works here against DR and IS. Most of the bigs defend their opponent and as soon as the shot is taken they have no SB to alter/block the shot. For seasons we saw how low the blocking stats are.
To make it even clearer: every shooting foul is a failed block attempt!
Several seasons ago I made a quick analysis about ID and SB.
(245985.84)Both guys had OD 1 and almost the same ID. They played against the same opponents and the only difference was their SB.
2) ID = SB
The most efficient combo. Image it like this:
ID and SB are two related skills which coexist. The GE takes both into account and "ranks" them.
ID 15 and SB 10
ID 15 is the higher skill and stands for 100%
SB 10 is lower and only 66% of ID 15.
So your overall "potential" for this combo is under 100% (what would be ID 15 and SB 15).
Same goes the other way:
ID 10 and SB 15
SB 15 = 100%
ID 10 = 66%
You're playing with an underskilled big.
For most of the time ID 13-SB 13 until ID 15-SB 15 is the most cost efficient solution. The shooting foul rate is under 10%, success rate for defended shots is between 65% and 85% (depends on the league) and the shot block rate is between 35% and 40%.
3) SB > ID
This skill set is really nice for lower leagues, but will backfire as soon as you face stronger opponents.
The reason:
ID is the foundation for SB. Without ID a player can't block... First your big has to defend an opponent (that's ID) and only after the shot attempt SB is needed. So if your ID is too low, your big will be outplayed and he will miss the opportunities for blocks.
ID 11 - SB 17
You are playing against DR 9 and IS 12 bigs. That's on the same level like ID 11. So your player will defend a lot of actions and be a blocking beast.
Now you promote and the bigs have DR 13 and IS 16. Your guy will be outplayed because his ID 11 is far too low. Sometimes he will be able to defend shots, but they will end up more and more as shooting fouls because of the lack of ID (ID does the work before the shot and if the shot attempt wasn't weakend enough, SB won't be enough to block).
Last edited by Nachtmahr at 12/30/2015 9:19:07 AM