I feel like this is a 'bait' thread (upsydrome has to be in the top 3 even now), but entertaining nevertheless. :D
For me, teams before seasons 8/9 are kinda exempt from this. The league wasn't developed - guys who won at beginning were the ones that started in NBBA. I also have no idea about teams from seasons 26-31, I was asleep at the wheel (sorry ozone).
Silverbacks were fantastic because they were successful without LI - there was no other team that was as successful with 'outside' tactics in my time.
Having said that, Heathens were just before my NBBA time and they were utterly dominant with outside game.
Funny thing is that KDB version 2 was incredible team on paper, but brian never seemed to go all in on the NBBA when he probably could've walked it.
Love Stogey23 and his Bulls but I don't think they were transcendent. LMA were just fantastic and competitive for such a long time.
I'm still slightly annoyed that I got bored after 3 in a row as my team was young enough to win another 2 and would've dominated this list! ;)
I got 2 lists, quality of team:
1. Lake Merritt Arrows
2. Upsyndrome
3. KDB v2
4. Heathens
5. Silverbacks / Funky Town v1 ;)
And personal faves:
1. Silverbacks (eww
(32422685), but ,
(59227970) yay!)
2. Burlington Mountain Goats
3. Lake Merritt Arrows
4. Arizona Desert Storm
5. Chicago Bulls / Salisbury Auerbachs
Last edited by Calum at 4/22/2016 12:38:47 AM