Alright, lineup is almost set for game 1. I added Jarvis and Rafferty to the lineup to save both of them. Beanerz is going in a few weeks, and Jarvis is the best canadian guard anyway, so that's not really a loss of a spot.
Rafferty is to young to make the NT, but he is our best trainee by far, he needs to be saved. As we have no news from luxury tax (last connection at about the same time beanerz last connected, I didn't want to take the risk).
Both of them will have the reserve spot until their GS goes up.
Be prepare to buy both of them in about 3-4 weeks! I'll post a message here.
Bigs are selected, going with 4 players to start the season (with Rafferty later when his GS is up). All 4 of them had good minutes management this week so there was really no question about who made the team.
2 players for the SF spot, also not really a heart braking decision there, both of them deserve the spot.
I'm still undecided on the guards, GS management is only so-so with lots of potential players, so if anyone wants to help me decide, contact me via bb-mail!
I'll probably make the final decision tomorrow evening so that the players are on the team before the economic update and their owner can benefit from the additional merchandise.
Last edited by Fwinns at 6/4/2016 9:30:05 PM