I really noticed that higher their d rating gets, less shot they block.
The reason might be that the attackers shot less because of the superior defense, so there are less shots to be blocked.
100 points ;)
I drafted Haek with:
JS 4 – JR 5 – OD 5 – HA 7 – DR 6 – PA 3 – IS 4 – ID 5 – RB 4 – SB 6
In the end he had:
JS 6 - JR 7 - OD 18 - HA 16 - DR 12 - PA 16 - IS 6 - ID 18 - RB 9 - SB 19
He never received 1on1, IS, JS or RB training.
What I can say after analysing all his games and defense actions:
- 95% is the defense borderline. He defended low salary players, well balanced players and salary monsters and there were still made shots. There were games with a success rate of 100% defended shots, but there were also games with only 80% (even against low salary players). BB has some kind of protection for weak teams (BB-Charles talked once about it) which will still help the weak teams to score.
- at some point the average amount of defended shots will go down. The GE will do everything to evade such a defender. all other four match ups are "more successful", so your monster defender will have less work
- this applys also at the NT level. Haek played some games for the german team and his defense was still too high for the rest of the team. Only after him, Germany got far more high end defender.
- he blocked up to almost 50% of the defended shots
- he had almost no shooting fouls (around 5% of all defended shots)
- if he played as a big, the second guy besides him got an extreme boost in defense actions. If your opponent plays LI and his players have to face Haek, the will turn to the second big... if this guy is a ID 17-SB 16 player... good night. During this time, the guy besides Haek was three times the world leading shot blocker at the end of the season. It's just insane...
At some point, I showed Marin Haek and his stats. Marin looked and checked them as far as I know. Several days later, I received a Mail in which he called him "tremendous", "a monster" and "nothing like him ever before". 1,5 seasons later the influnce of OD was reajusted

A 20-20-20 player is for almost every kind of player an overkill. It's a total shutdown. The problem are the other players on the team. The GE will do everything possible to get away from your defender and exploit the other four players. This will lead to a faster stamina drop of these four and more fouls. Your whole game could turn out to be unbalanced.