What were your prices in D4? If they were close enough, then it has to be a bug. Merch also should have increased not dropped.
I just remembered I had a problem in the past where they took away 100k.
(286181.4)With the same prices my gate receipts were: 249k>352k>349k>351k. Note that the first game may be iffy as you are missing several bits in the Fan survey and maybe it's the very first game so you don't have the win effect from the previous game. Marin of course didn't answer for 2 or 3 weeks (I had to send him a B-mail) and then said he could not check what happened. Basically I promoted, and my gate receipts stayed about the same for the first game despite higher division and promotion bonus. These bugs happen.
Last edited by Lemonshine at 9/9/2019 12:37:00 PM