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Suggestions > If it is today, don't say anything

If it is today, don't say anything

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309047.9 in reply to 309047.8
Date: 4/14/2021 12:27:31 PM
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Why would I bid before that time? Anyway you have to be right there during the last minutes if you want to get a cheap player.

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309047.10 in reply to 309047.9
Date: 4/15/2021 11:38:34 PM
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this is one of questions und answer i like to build a players at 6 am tomorow..[Why would I bid before that time? Anyway you have to be right there during the last minutes if you want to get a cheap player.

From: Bro_Khen

To: sova
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309047.11 in reply to 309047.10
Date: 4/16/2021 12:21:16 AM
Team Payabang
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for a Count down timer to appear on every page of BB you are visiting so that you would not be mistaken about the date and time remaining...

Last edited by Bro_Khen at 4/16/2021 12:21:52 AM

From: sova

This Post:
309047.12 in reply to 309047.11
Date: 4/16/2021 1:56:58 AM
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i logated every days this is corect, i khnow in every league every player can see who logatet when. Maybe dont belive what i said but dont forgoten this game chaing ...i logated every days to see evethink a lot of before need logated every 3 days that was been before khow is chaing i belive maybe i was wrong if club managemang not logated so long he lost club that khnow every people but free agent are i think only 2 times weks .There is a sekret if klub lost 1 days before this days players only 1 days in transfer list. Im not realy sure but i belive that...
First i this i dont see but i doing i want insedide defence more then 15 i hawe only 5 player how i dont se him.,
Not importent if i was wrong forgoten but i go the game every day because i buy chaper ......may english is bad maybe wrong understend but i khnow what i said in may memory ....
Sekond may rules i buy if i see 4 good player in 20 minits when he want to buy managment players forgoten 2 or 3 or 4 players in tranfer list ...
I belive maybe dont understend what i said because i finish to talk .....

This Post:
309047.13 in reply to 309047.7
Date: 4/17/2021 9:04:43 AM
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So you’re a poacher and not a bidder. Taking a second to check the time on the transfer isn’t difficult. It would appear (if this is a real problem) that you’re the only one affected.

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (
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309047.14 in reply to 309047.13
Date: 4/17/2021 9:28:48 AM
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I don't know if I am the only one affected. But it is so easy to fix ...

Imagine that you are a school student (if you are not a real one) and you ask your teacher: when is the exam? He can tell you "It is on April the seventeenth, at 6 pm"
Then you think ok, tonight I will see when is April the 17th ... but it was today!

I mean, it is not natural English (or any other language) to say the complete date when it is today. The teacher will say the exam is at 6pm, or the exam is today at 6 pm. Why wouldn't BB do the same?

And the best of it all, it is so easy to solve that the current BBs could do it soon, and then they can say to the community "we have solved something, completely!" ... instead of just talking and saying that they are closer to the solution for this or that ... that would be motivating for the new BBs and the community would grow in confidence.

So, I this is why I think this should be the absolute priority right now.

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309047.16 in reply to 309047.15
Date: 4/17/2021 11:51:53 AM
Le Cotiche
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i am a supporter and i have a reminder for the next auction in my bookmarks with a countdown similar to the one for the next game

maybe non supporters don't have this feature?
in this case the solution would be to support BB

This Post:
309047.17 in reply to 309047.16
Date: 4/17/2021 1:01:04 PM
Team Payabang
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if you bid once in to that player you really are interested at... a timer like the supporters get when they bookmark a player will activate... the suggestion is a good one... but idt its a major priority... but again its a good one... but there really is a way to get through it already...

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309047.19 in reply to 309047.18
Date: 5/2/2021 2:55:20 PM
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Yes, great. I hope people find it helps them a little bit to not miss the bid time. It helps to me indeed.