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From: Mojo F

This Post:
40439.9 in reply to 40439.8
Date: 7/29/2008 1:33:55 PM
Overall Posts Rated:

falls sich jemand verletzt (weiss nicht einmal ob das möglich ist), ist er nach spielende sofort wieder gesundet. also erwächst kein nachteil daraus.

Private Leagues
Would you like to play against friends with teams in different leagues or countries? We plan to introduce a private league with one game per week where you can play against other supporters from around the world, down the block, or anyplace else you can find opponents. More details on this will be announced as we get closer to release, but the private league will take place in "arcade mode", meaning that private league games will use your existing team but games played will not count towards player statistics, training, injuries, practice, or anything else. You can use your best players and do everything possible to beat your friends, and not worry about whether it will affect your upcoming playoff game.

Last edited by Mojo F at 7/29/2008 1:35:46 PM

From: fox1712

This Post:
40439.10 in reply to 40439.9
Date: 7/29/2008 1:38:06 PM
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Ist eine Verletzung bei normalen Friendly möglich?

From: Mojo F

This Post:
40439.11 in reply to 40439.10
Date: 7/29/2008 1:42:44 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
übrigens eine ganz gute seite für den einstieg um die ersten fragen zu klären

From: fox1712

This Post:
40439.12 in reply to 40439.11
Date: 7/29/2008 1:44:36 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Danke , die Seite kenne ich. Hat mir am Anfang sehr geholfen