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DMI and opponets abilities

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83037.10 in reply to 83037.8
Date: 3/31/2009 9:30:47 PM
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You can evaluate the defensive contribution of a single player by looking at the team ratings, tactics, and the individual ratings. The player rating heavily depends on their defensive abilities/contribution. So, a guy who goes 1-10 and gets zero rebounds may have as high a rating as a guy who goes 7-10 and gets 3 rebounds with same minutes. This suggest he played better defence.

It's obviously not very simple, but you should get a good feel after a couple of games.

Well, enthusiasm level influence those ratings (it is the same for the whole team so no problem) but I believe game shape influences it too, so I wouldn't say looking at the rating in comparison to stats (and minutes) is a good way to guess defensive skills of a player. Looking at how his man was succesful in the game is a better way (matchup ratings included).

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83037.11 in reply to 83037.10
Date: 4/1/2009 3:11:11 AM
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Yes, game shape needs to be considered as well.