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Player Positioning

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8654.9 in reply to 8654.8
Date: 12/2/2007 11:51:48 PM
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Tall players will train slower in jump shot, jump range, handling and driving (i think),

Remember, this will change after the all-star break. From the News item regarding upcoming changes:
2) The height modifier to training will be reduced, particularly for jump shooting. Additionally, a third type of jump shot training will be introduced that will allow SG and SF to train jump shooting in a way similar to the one PG and SG can currently train. Upon further study, it would appear that there are tall players (see Dirk Nowitzki) that can shoot. I guess this is the sort of mistake that happens when we design jump shot training during the playoffs.

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
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8654.10 in reply to 8654.9
Date: 12/3/2007 10:58:26 AM
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Oh, thanks.
I better re-read the editorials :)