I think u cannot win Malaysia. I am 100% sure. One day I will be take over u.
What was the score tonight against your beloved Malaysia?
(21428)Same effort....
Sorry...The only way you are going to take over this job is if I quit...
See...I am building a World Cup team...I am helping the owners build great players...
In fact I have three game balls to give out tonight.
1st ball...a young buck..The Shinkansen Shidehara...wow he is getting good for a 20 yr old..and Kyoto is a great trainer.
2nd ball...Mr. Okanaya...now I feel I have had a hand in his build...see. people think Saitama Kobatons is some kind of crap team...No, that is not the case. I have chats with him almost every other week and give him training plans and he is going to try and get a good draft pick for the future NT...but Okanaya is a beast at 20...
3rd ball...Murata...another great 20 yr old...see...These guys are going to be on my WC team next season...and if all goes to plan..I should have a very good 1-10 next season.
See..The 21s have to ball...that is their job...but to have so many 20's and 19s balling...now that is worth mentioning