TV Contract: i remember it's linked also to NT and U21 ranking, what kind of ranking will Utopia have? or we will have the "base level" of a normal IV div? Also, like teams, there will be difference in single leagues contracts?
Ticket Pricing: # of fans coming is related to league level: this IV Utopian div is related to others BB IV div or we have to expect a level like "last one" of bigger nations leagues (for example a V/VI div in ITA/SPA/USA)?
Linked to this answer: why don't you left us one more week to "consider" our ticket pricing? for most of us there is a match with a reality they never discovering, and they've no data, or they "forgotten it", so have one home match to judge and take right decision should be appreciated.
Talent Pool: Distribution in role/skill/potential/age (despite i'm one of the luckiest, with an 20yo MVP, some interesting 19YO) was been very... unfair. Why this choice? wasn't been better to have more similar teams?
Now there are 848 Utopian Manager, target is 1024. Following the BB's league structure one out of 4 teams will be on DIV III next season, and the same remains until Utopia Prime will be fill. About these 4 teams, it's the "BB-Repechage" system or we will have some others algorythm (like who arrives in Conference finals will be on III next season or first 4 of every IV)?
And, another one: with this numbers, you will have "only" 688 teams in IV div (for now) next season. You will merge every IV to have always a completely human users league or there will be bots?
for now i hope it's all, thanks for answering