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World Toruneys like B3 for all Levels/League

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From: CrazyEye

This Post:
167495.91 in reply to 167495.89
Date: 1/9/2011 9:22:56 AM
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i had it my income dropped with it, especially when i lost my away game before ;) The low prices for the lower tie, is some kind of an insurrance for loosing my home game. Sometimes even a mixed calculation have it advantages, when you are a medium team and maybe play 3 of 4 games without a win in the last one you maybe earn more money when you set the prices to low for the winning game. SSo maybe i loose 10k with my scheme, but when i lost i made 30k more and i am surprised by my succesful season ;)

Not forgetting that his team was more succesful then me.

But what have this to do, that weak leagues don't generate visitor income.

Top teams can reap well over 700k every home game by my calculations.

i also copied laim ticket prices in the past, my income sinks ;) Yes they could earn it(or maybe more around 650), but they had to be very succesful in the last season.

PS: you round also a bit to your favors, you know?

Tenaka(Frence Champ, best reg. game out of the list):
Bleacher = 300 000
Lower TIE = 128 870
Total = 428870

My best game:
Bleacher = 193800
Lower(+37 seats from the more expensiv cat)= 247 132
Total= 440 932

Depending that he have the better survey(past season, cup), i am quite happy with earning more money ;) Yeah and i wouldn't recommend to build that much today, but we have to build blind. Ok he maybe could sold some extra bleachers, but he wasn't sold out the games before so his number of seats are nearly topic closed.

Last edited by CrazyEye at 1/9/2011 9:39:58 AM

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
167495.93 in reply to 167495.92
Date: 1/9/2011 9:55:18 AM
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Okay if you aren't good at math its hard to understand.

ok for people who are good at math, i earn 12k more not less. And he was in cup final or semis(this season), and the champ of his country ;)

He had 7 seasons!

i had 3 price changes to build this arena for experimenting, which means less then a half season at this moment.

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
167495.95 in reply to 167495.94
Date: 1/9/2011 10:41:42 AM
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You are giving me an example of a guy whose arena sold out?

Why i should ;) The only examplee i gave u it that what you ignored because it didn't fit into your world.

I think he could have earned more than the guy in 3rd in France but didn't.

if you talk about your example, he earned more already ;)

Some people make a lot of money with 20000 bleachers and about 5000 lower tier.

which i wouldn't recommend you too, because you won't sell them. And this haven't anything todo that you play in nippon. Wihtout fighting with the soft cap to much.

PS: And i got more income in loosing game after the reduction of the lower tie prices, for winning games it nearly makes no difference at all ;)

Last edited by CrazyEye at 1/9/2011 10:43:30 AM

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
167495.97 in reply to 167495.96
Date: 1/10/2011 2:08:14 AM
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Those games when Youngsters sells 20percent less tickets is a result of who he plays, not his recent performances, since he constantly wins everything only who comes to town can explain the ticket sales fluctuations.

it the recent succes of their competion + their age + maybe a price change, and i again wonder about your ability to round numbers ;) Because that a rarely 15%. And weird one, i got this ups and downs to :)(switch over 12 percent *gg)

But young competion like those opponent means also away wins for free, which a worth a lot and u don't get in big countrys and at home he still makes more money then comparable teams(his max. income with 650k is really asome).

You can see the French team selling around 2000 bleachers even if their lower tier price is 70 (I am not saying 70 is the best price, but it is better than 31!)

if you have them 31 is better, as i said i wouldn't recommend to build them ;) But i earn sligtly more money while winning(in your numbers 10% normally more close to 3%), and also when i loose. And that with worst survey, so i could live with that.

One thing to consider is that if you raise your lower tier prices you will see an immediate drop of in attendance. The BBs have stated that fans don't like it when you change prices.

could you show me that?

Last edited by CrazyEye at 1/10/2011 2:15:12 AM

This Post:
167495.99 in reply to 167495.98
Date: 1/10/2011 12:24:54 PM
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The adrvesary team you meet have great importance in arena revenue...but in every league there is a 1 first place team,a 2 place team and so on.It's really more about the position in the league standing than the real level of the tem you meet

However,how all this discussion between you and crazyeye about economy of small/big countries have a connection wth the question of world tournament ?

Last edited by Steve Karenn at 1/10/2011 12:26:11 PM