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Season 56

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From: Hokied

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313237.91 in reply to 313237.90
Date: 3/22/2022 8:52:03 PM
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These metrics account for quad 1 wins? I’m about to play 2 quad 4s so just curious.

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313237.93 in reply to 313237.92
Date: 3/29/2022 3:11:32 PM
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Maybe a sleeper until I restructured my roster so I could work on my arena again haha.

It should be an interesting postseason, I think it could go a lot of different ways.

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313237.94 in reply to 313237.93
Date: 3/29/2022 7:48:06 PM
New York Chunks
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I'm mostly excited to be able to extend my stay in this league. I was in League II.1 from Seasons 10-15, where I struggled every season just to stay afloat (until I didn't), never making the playoffs, and didn't get back to D.II until Season 51. That was a long, long effort. to get to D.II. I relegated out after 6 seasons last time, and 6 seasons into this run and I'm still here. I feel like I hit a ceiling, but if it took me 36 seasons to get here, I'm going to stay as long as can, even if the NBBA still feels like an impossible dream.

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
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313237.95 in reply to 313237.94
Date: 3/29/2022 11:26:05 PM
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That’s kind of how I have felt. This is as close as I’ve ever been. If I make it so be it, if not, oh well. I’ve enjoyed my 30+ seasons. They made many hours on boring military days a little less boring.

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313237.96 in reply to 313237.94
Date: 3/30/2022 4:57:38 PM
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Second Team:
Reuben Jones 2.0
I think what you are missing is two elite trainees at young age. I see one in Tero but he is 8 potential, what took me to NBBA last time around was having two guard/sf type of trainees in Eckert and Campoy, and another high OD guard next to them, then just purchase salary efficient bigs.

NBBA is a completely different animal where teams are usually tanking games for cup, buying high salaried players for cheap, and with massive weekly income so I would say DII is actually the hardest league out of all given the financial constraints.

Good luck!

From: GForce03

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313237.97 in reply to 313237.92
Date: 3/30/2022 4:58:25 PM
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Second Team:
Reuben Jones 2.0
I like being an underdog

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313237.99 in reply to 313237.96
Date: 3/31/2022 8:30:09 AM
New York Chunks
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Well, unlimited spending as a superpower would be good...

Yep, two seasons ago I started making a deliberate effort at changing over the older players for somewhat younger, but even at a D.II income that's really hard to manage. Tero was a steal, he's young enough that I can smooth over his weakest skills (which I've done a decent job of so far) and I hope to keep this us as long as I can, but I have a wave of players close to skills decline that I can't sell for too much on the TL and getting younger replacements will take a lot of luck, like when I grabbed Tero.

Another huge challenge in this league seems to be that there's always two or three teams every season spending extra on payroll to make a big push, and the teams that fail in that tend to relegate quickly after the attempt. I've been able to more or less keep up with the back of the lead pack the last few seasons, even getting to the Finals the last two seasons, but I knew I was always a few rungs below the top teams and not yet willing to go for broke.

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
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313237.100 in reply to 313237.99
Date: 3/31/2022 10:48:51 AM
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Second Team:
Reuben Jones 2.0
essence of this story, money rules in making it to NBBA. Even if it means selling your whole team and tank for a few season while getting 2-3 solid prospects as your franchise cornerstones. While your way work too, but you will always end up having not enough money to promote. Unless you have insane core already, getting that last guy to push over the top 2-3 weeks before playoffs is really the move, similar to what Plasma just did.

This Post:
313237.101 in reply to 313237.100
Date: 3/31/2022 11:27:42 AM
New York Chunks
Overall Posts Rated:
Word. See ya back in D.IV!

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!