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BB Malaysia > Season 13 draftees, attn U21 manager

Season 13 draftees, attn U21 manager

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150167.92 in reply to 150167.89
Date: 7/26/2010 2:09:16 PM
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Second Team:
In general, it is not so bad to have your pupils abroad. In my case, most of best players where trained abroad. Of course, you can have good and bad trainers almost everywhere. A good scouting system should "persuade and influence" managers to train players at best. In some cases, coach should take drastic countermeasures: my Lefa Kadzamira was discarded from the roster as not only he played 120' per two weeks in a row, but was a SG having a pop in SB!!!

It is nice to have all your best players in your country. In Italy happened so far, but more recently some players went away - it is a question of managers priorities, cash, team competitiveness.

From: -CS

This Post:
150167.93 in reply to 150167.88
Date: 7/26/2010 8:10:28 PM
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lot of your trainee also foreign leh.. why don't you sell all of them and train local???

This Post:
150167.94 in reply to 150167.93
Date: 7/27/2010 2:42:51 AM
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Second Team:
lot of your trainee also foreign leh.. why don't you sell all of them and train local???

I think it depends on opportunity, skill fitting with your needs, and availability of trainees.

If the community is wide enough, most of trainees, if "suggested" by coach and staff, can fall into the country of origins.

But, although it is nice and probably more reliable to leverage local community, it is not a must. Italian top player Fanesi is playing in Austria, and we are much satisfied of him. Others play locally, and we are angry. Not to mention my mixed experience in South Africa: my top 3 players were trained in South Africa, Spain and -if not wrong- Germany. I am currently training a potential future PG of Uruguay.

You need good managers - and good counselors in your staff.

From: KwaiWah

To: -CS
This Post:
150167.95 in reply to 150167.93
Date: 7/27/2010 10:15:07 AM
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lot of your trainee also foreign leh.. why don't you sell all of them and train local???

No doubt about it, I am training foreign players myself.

In fact, I am currently training 3 trainees. All 3 were bought from the transfer market during season 11.

At that time, I did mention to everyone that I will be shifting to train outside players and asked for anyone willing to sell local 18yo outside players.

Quote from (121141.75)
Hey, I am looking for a SG also. Don't fight with me for it

Though it did not actually cross my mind to contact the owners directly to see if they were interested to sell their player at a defined price. (Major mistake on my part)

During that time there was no initiative to save our homeless kids. Plus I monitored (for first 2 weeks of Season 11) all 18yo players with Perennial Allstar and above and there were no Malaysian players that fit the criteria

But my point is not that we should not be training foreign players or to sacrifice your whole roster to change to local team. But more towards, since we have spent so much time identifying all the potential 18yo trainees for this season and even come up with proposals on how to acquire these players, I was hoping to have :
trainers who are already looking for 18yo trainees this season to train up some local players.

As for the call for trainers to sign up to train local players. My training regime for my current 3 players should finish in 3 seasons time. So I expect to change my trainees during season 16. By then, I hope to be able to train local outside players for the NT team. Meaning players who are 21yo with their 4 main skills at prolific and above. Though I am not sure if I will be able to get such a player by then.

Last edited by KwaiWah at 7/27/2010 10:15:57 AM

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150167.97 in reply to 150167.96
Date: 7/27/2010 9:45:14 PM
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boss lend me 4.2 mil I buy him first =P

will pay you back tmr... the cheque's in the mail!

This Post:
150167.98 in reply to 150167.97
Date: 7/28/2010 3:24:39 AM
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kwaiwah can sell his current player and train him ma... hehe

From: KwaiWah

To: -CS
This Post:
150167.99 in reply to 150167.98
Date: 7/28/2010 8:52:43 AM
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1. I dun plan to sell my players
2. I dun plan to change my current training regime until season 16 which I have already previously explained
3. The player mentioned is very much near the soft cap, so nothing much to train
4. Since you seem to advocate selling foreign players for local players, why dun you start the ball rolling by setting an example. Action certainly speaks louder than words ;) Your current roster, only 1 out of the top 10 players are local. A pretty sad ratio of 10%. Unless of course you consider yourself an Italian manager, which will make your ratio at 50%.

From: Ahmoi

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150167.100 in reply to 150167.89
Date: 7/28/2010 10:12:45 AM
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I think I can take up an inside trainee next season.

This Post:
150167.101 in reply to 150167.97
Date: 7/28/2010 4:27:50 PM
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Second Team:
boss lend me 4.2 mil I buy him first =P

has anybody money to lend!?! I am here to borrow!!! I can train 1, 2, 3 talents, even a C and a PG at same time!!! ;)

From: -CS

This Post:
150167.102 in reply to 150167.99
Date: 7/29/2010 12:51:33 AM
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1. I dun plan to sell my players
2. I dun plan to change my current training regime until season 16 which I have already previously explained
3. The player mentioned is very much near the soft cap, so nothing much to train
4. Since you seem to advocate selling foreign players for local players, why dun you start the ball rolling by setting an example. Action certainly speaks louder than words ;) Your current roster, only 1 out of the top 10 players are local. A pretty sad ratio of 10%. Unless of course you consider yourself an Italian manager, which will make your ratio at 50%.

I asked you to train local trainee because you have comment as below, why comment on people training style if youself can not make it?

Quoted from the MBBA news

7/25/2010 - Blue Blooded Beasts has just acquired Eimonas Niceparukas for $ 200 000.

Sigh... no response from the community for a call for trainer is bad enough already.

To realise that it is not that we don't have trainers but more because our trainers only want to train foreign 18yo players is worse!

Last edited by KwaiWah at 7/26/2010 9:58:26 PM
